An electrical pole lies damaged A man is expected to appear in court after being caught vandalising and stealing cables in Woodstock on May 17. Picture: SUPPLIED
Cape Town -A cable thief has been arrested after he was caught red-handed with stolen cable stolen from vital infrastructure.
Woodstock police, together with Law Enforcement, arrested the suspect at Lower Church Street during the early hours of this morning.
The 33-year-old suspect is expected make his first appearance at Cape Town Magistrate’s Court soon.
The 33-year-old suspect is expected make his first appearance at Cape Town Magistrate’s Court soon.
Police spokesperson Captain Frederick Van Wyk explained the suspect had been handed over to their department following law enforcement’s involvement.
‘’The charges are tampering with essential infrastructure under the Criminal Matters amendment Act and theft,’’ said Van Wyk.
“He will appear in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court once charged.”
Mayco member for Safety and Security, JP Smith, said the Law Enforcement officers were on patrol on the N1 outbound when they spotted new trenching that had been freshly dug up in the area of Lower Church St in Woodstock.
‘’With them stopping to investigate further, a suspect stood up and took flight,“ Smith explained.
“The officers chased the suspect and managed to apprehend him, thereafter, bringing him back to the scene.
“It was discovered he had already cut into and dug up a significant length of cabling."
Smith said in an effort to protect some of the critical infrastructure in identified high-risk areas, the City would launch a dedicated Facility Protection Officers unit later this month.
He explained the unit would comprise of armed Law Enforcement officers and, for the first time ever, include members of local neighbourhood watches and community safety initiatives.
He added the City attempts to defend against the illegal trade of copper and scrap metals by such illegal traders.
‘’As we desperately await the National Government to amend the regulations and impose worthwhile measures that will allow effective restrictions on the sale of second-hand goods, I applaud these members and those throughout our services that continue to defend the onslaught of criminals against our facilities and our public infrastructure.’’
On May 13, 2023, the Weekend Argus reported that the City had budgeted R40 million for law-enforcement deployment to tackle the issue in the Metro.
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