Kairo Forbes. Picture: Instagram
AKA’s mother, Lynn Forbes, took to social media recently to remember the slain rapper as his daughter, Kairo Forbes, made her way to Grade 3.
Along with a picture of Kairo dressed smartly in her school uniform, Lynn, who is affectionately known as “Glammy”, wrote about how she knows that her late son is “always with them”.
The heart-wrenching post detailed how emotional it has been for Lynn and Kairo during the first few days of school.
“I know you were there with me when I took her to school for her first day of Grade 3. You stayed with her all day, until I picked her up. You were there with me doing the same on day 2 and you sat with me through the parent info session last night.”
Lynn said her heart broke when they talked about the upcoming “dad and daughter” events at a school meeting.
“It broke my heart when they spoke about the dad and daughter robotics days coming up this year.
“I remember you being very excited about her getting to Grade 3 so you can do this with her.
“You will be with her again today and every day going forward, and even if we can’t see you, we feel your presence all the time,” she wrote.
Lynn added that Kairo “notices” AKA in butterflies and clouds and recently they spoke about the cake Kairo baked him for his 35th birthday.
“Yesterday, she talked about your upcoming birthday and we reminisced about the cake she baked for you last year and how you almost started a fire lighting all of those 35 candles.
“You are always with us and we love you so much,” she ended.
Fans took to the comments to send Lynn and Kairo well-wishes.
@astridwinwebmailcoza said: “Awhh so heartfelt Lynn, tears are swelling up in my eyes. So beautifully depicted. May her school year during 2024 be Blessed.
“Keep strong its so difficult but keeping his memory alive through butterflies clouds etc. Makes it so meaningful that AKA's memory never died.”
@nthabsd wrote: “❤️❤️❤️ grief is so painful and has no time frame, at the same time it's so healing, so refreshing, so fragile and so glorious at the same time. I type this as an adult who lost her dad at 7 and it feels like yesterday.
“Your words are so TRUE. He will be there every step she takes, marvelling and beholding the woman she unfolds to be ❤️🙌sending so much love.”