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FREE State Cricket Union (FSCU) says it is “extremely excited” about the transition to the new orange machine era, since their inclusion in the top 8 of division 1 teams as part of Cricket South Africa’s domestic restructuring model.
The orange machine that used to dominate cricket in South Africa and that has always been part of the history of sports within the province, and the Knights name with recent social media poles led to the decision to keep the Knights name but revert back to the orange colours.
FSCU was on Tuesday proud to announce that their division 1 professional side will remain as the Knights Cricket team with a new corporate logo.
The union believes that with the new corporate image fans will be able to once again associate with the team through “The Free State Way”.
FSCU said it has a strong backing of already secured sponsorships to start this new journey with the union and that the fresh brand identity will continue to attract more sponsorships and opportunities.
The CEO of FSCU, Johan van Heerden, commented: “The orange machine has arrived! With the new aggressive and impressive identity logo, our approach on the field will be no different. With the major support from corporate SA this will become the biggest year for Free State Cricket and the Knights!”
“We are very excited with the new system and that Free State will be a team on its own. The Knights orange machine will surely hit the ground running and hopefully we can put a few good performances in quickly. With some good sponsorships lined up, the fans surely want to be associated with ‘The Free State Way’. We are very excited about this new adventure,” said Pite van Biljon, captain of the Knights.
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