Actress Jada Pinkett Smith poses at the European premiere of "Magic Mike XXL" at Leicester Square in London, Britain June 30, 2015. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor
She was once the it-girl of the entertainment industry.
With connections to the likes of the late, great Tupac Shakur as well as her marriage to the legendary actor/rapper Will Smith, it's clear that at one point, almost everyone who was anyone wanted a piece of Jada Pinkett Smith.
However things have seemingly changed for the renowned actress following the release of her memoir in which she delves deep into her marriage with Smith.
Since then, the actress received plenty of hate online with many labelling her as toxic, untalented, a gold digger, ‘a poster child of toxic femininity’, and she’ also been called out for her alleged horrible treatment of her husband.
While there has been plenty of hate flung at Pinkett Smith, the actress has also grown a new fan-base of women around the globe who are sympathetic to the Hollywood actress. She has been hailed as an icon for a new liberated kind of woman.
But what do South African women think of the actress and can they relate to Pinkett Smith?
We spoke to a number of local women about what they thought of the actress and whether they could identify with her.
This is what they had to say:
Melissa Douman: PR and Communications specialist
What do you personally make of Jada Pinkett Smith and how she has dealt with her marriage with Will Smith?
I believe that relationships, regardless of the type, demand effort. Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith exemplify this reality. What sets them apart is their consistent transparency since tying the knot in 1997. Their journey has been laid bare for public scrutiny, allowing us to assess and discuss their actions and choices in navigating challenges. I commend their courage and vulnerability in openly sharing their highs and lows, enduring public scrutiny along the way. While I might not personally make the same choices as Jada, as I don’t walk in her shoes, I admire her commitment to honesty and personal growth. Her demonstration of a robust, courageous, and bold femininity is both admirable and, at the same time, something I may not fully relate to.
Do you identify with Jada and see a bit of yourself in her?
Jada Pinkett Smith is widely recognised and admired for her contributions to the entertainment industry, her advocacy for social causes, and her openness regarding her personal life, including her marriage. Her progressive stance on issues such as gender equality, racial justice, and personal empowerment resonates with liberal and progressive principles. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the intricate and diverse nature of individual beliefs and values. Not every woman who identifies as liberal shares identical views on every matter. On a personal level, I feel a connection with Jada Pinkett Smith in our shared yearning for the acknowledgement and understanding of our authentic selves. I resonate with her unwavering commitment to living her truth in a way that fulfils her purpose in the most meaningful manner. Yet, it’s essential to note that while we may share some common ground, attempting to generalise her views to perfectly mirror mine oversimplifies the diverse perspectives that both of us bring to our experiences in the world.
Is Jada a new type of icon for a new liberated kind of woman?
Whether Jada Pinkett Smith is considered a new icon for modern and liberated women depends on individual perspectives and the criteria used to define such an icon. She certainly has qualities that resonate with aspects of modern and liberated ideals, such as her career achievements, advocacy for social causes, and her openness about personal experiences. Her willingness to discuss issues like gender equality, racial justice, and personal empowerment contributes to her image as a figure who aligns with certain progressive values. Her emphasis on authenticity and living one’s truth may also be inspiring to individuals seeking empowerment and self-expression. However, it’s crucial to recognise that perceptions of icons can vary widely, and not everyone may view her in this light. Additionally, the concept of a modern and liberated woman is diverse, encompassing a range of perspectives, experiences, and values. Some may see Jada Pinkett Smith as an icon for these ideals, while others may look to different figures who represent their vision of modern liberation. I believe Jada Pinkett Smith has qualities that align with certain aspects of modern and liberated ideals, but whether she is considered an icon for such women is subjective and dependent on individual viewpoints.
Nizreen Samodien: Musician
What do you personally make of Jade Pinkett Smith and how she has dealt with her marriage with Will Smith?
I’ve always been a fan of Jada the actress, Jada the creative. Although I adopt the stance that we should live and let live. I don’t think she should have exposed certain details about their marriage/history, but that probably ties in with my personal preference of believing that the public is not entitled to know everything about one’s life. It’s tricky, celebrities also need to create interest through publicity stunts, so you never know if they’re playing us, lol.
Do you identify with Jada and see a bit of yourself in her?
I definitely identify with Jada, on a creative and personal level. I believe that all women identify with one another in relation to specific character traits and decisions, eg. I could disagree with a majority of another woman’s values but identify with/relate to the side of her that feels suppressed by society and just wants to break free; that doesn’t make either of us right or wrong. Everyone’s lived experience is different.
Is Jada a new type of icon for a new liberated kind of woman?
I can’t speak on behalf of other women, but I wouldn't consider her an icon for my generation (millennials), perhaps influential though. She definitely exists in a capacity to explore various topics that target women AND men of ALL backgrounds, because the “liberated woman” exists differently in different environments, and there is more involved in that movement than freedom of expression.
Farah Fortune:Author and award-winning businesswoman
What do you personally make of Jade Pinkett Smith and how she has dealt with her marriage with Will Smith?
I like Jada. Do I think she’s dealt with her marriage correctly? I don’t know. It’s her marriage and I’m not sure that’s my place to judge her actions. Would I have done the same, probably not but who knows? I feel like she’s done better than most people in the marriage department to help fix and maintain a marriage in the public eye. It can’t be easy trying to make a marriage work with so many people’s opinions butting in.
Do you identify with Jada and see a bit of yourself in her?
I identify being a vulnerable woman through her. I know what it’s like to try and be your strongest self out there when you’re crumbling inside. It’s tough. Any woman at some point can relate to that for sure.
Is Jada a new type of icon for a new liberated kind of woman?
I’m not sure Jada is an icon for every woman but she’s definitely an icon for women trying to figure out who they are besides just being a wife and mother.
Priscilla Malinga:Publicist and businesswoman
What do you personally make of Jade Pinkett Smith and how she has dealt with her marriage with Will Smith?
I think that she is a woman crying out for help. Maybe she just doesn't know how to express how she really feels deep inside. Her actions might be coming from an experience or situation we know nothing of.
Do you identify with Jada and see a bit of yourself in her?
I don't see myself in her. If I happen to cheat on my partner it would be because I'm trying to leave him and I end up leaving because the guilt would just eat me up. A strong woman knows when to throw her cards and if she is really that unhappy she would do what I would do which is move out silently and move on.
Is Jada a new type of icon for a new liberated kind of woman?
A liberated woman knows when to leave the table when love is no longer served. She handles her marital problems like a queen discreetly and will never do anything to embarrass her family, especially the children. So no that is not what a liberated woman would do
She is definitely not an icon. Her actions are the results of her mental state.
Sarisha Singh: Business partner at Simplify
What do you personally make of Jade Pinkett Smith and how she has dealt with her marriage with Will Smith?
While social media may not be an accurate representation of one’s personal relationship, it surely is an indication of the overall value. After watching many moments, some of which have trended and others that have appeared on her red table talk show where she has emasculated Will Smith, Jada has shown an apparent disrespect for her marriage. She has dealt with the situation very harshly, mentioning on many occasions her ongoing obsession with Tupac, her affair with August, and speaking poorly of the father of her children to them from a young age, which was exposed on red table talk and much more! Jada Pinkett Smith has been a good example that narcissistic women who treat men poorly are not given the same importance and repercussions as narcissistic men that treat women poorly, and are often overlooked
Do you identify with Jada and see a bit of yourself in her?
No I don't. I have an understanding that people make choices based on circumstances but I don't believe we need to make a public spectacle of our partner and personal choices
Is Jada a new type of icon for a new liberated kind of woman?
I personally don’t believe Jada can be an icon for a new kind of liberated woman. Jada’s brand and public opinions promote false feminism and liberation of women. She does this through ridiculing and putting down men as a way to uplift herself. This cannot be an accurate representation of a liberated woman, but is a representation of a woman who victimises herself in issues she’s created, constantly making excuses for her narcissistic and borderline abusive behaviour.
Arisha Ramnath: Teacher
What do you personally make of Jade Pinkett Smith and how she has dealt with her marriage with Will Smith?
I think they both have handled it badly. Relationships and dirty laundry are not to be aired out for the whole world to see. Irrespective of being celebrities or not, I think a matter like this should be discussed in private. I think she has made a mockery of the marriage, divorce and its entirety. However, there are always three sides to a story, his side, her side, and the truth. As the public, we will never really know the whole truth but I do know that some matters just need to be handled quietly and discreetly.
Do you identify with Jada and see a bit of yourself in her?
I definitely do not identify with Jada. She comes across as a self righteous and narcissistic person. I have noticed in her interviews , she mostly speaks about herself and makes it all about herself. Just looking at how she has treated Will and other people close to her , I certainly feel that she doesn’t respect other people and their feelings. She seems to be the type of person that if the spotlight isn’t on her , then she will create something to make sure she is seen.
Is Jada a new type of icon for a new liberated kind of woman?
I definitely do not see Jada as an icon. There are countless female figures who have made significant contributions across various fields in society going back to the days of Cleopatra who was well known for her intelligence, beauty and political prowess to the modern day women such as Michelle Obama, Indira Gandhi, Ada Lovelace, just to mention a few. These women have left lasting legacies in society, breaking barriers and inspiring future generations. So I struggle to see the comparison between Jada and these iconic women.
Jernad Martin: Social media influencer
What do you personally make of Jada Pinkett Smith and how she dealt with her marriage with Will Smith?
The timeline of the Smith's marriage is fairly controversial in my opinion. Jada has attempted to thwart speculation since 1998. She claimed in 2013 that he is his own man and she is merely his partner and declared a separation in 2016, and an entanglement with August Alsina simultaneously. What makes this even more outrageous is that in 2018, Will Smith attested to, “We don’t even say we’re married anymore, we refer to ourselves as ‘life partners,’ where you get into that space where you realize you are literally with somebody for the rest of your life. There’s no deal breakers. There’s nothing she could do—ever—nothing that would break our relationship. She has my support till death, and it feels so good to get to that space.” Once again, we need to keep in mind that this is a celebrity couple. They claim to not agree with traditional and conventional ideals of marriage but defy the very sanctity of honour that any individual should have. In my opinion, their marriage is a circus. It's an ebb and flow of publicity stunts which on one spectrum a modern woman can relate to, but this in my opinion is hyper-feminism. The confrontation with Chris Rock too, seemed like acting and considering their occupations it seems too exaggerated at every turn. It's almost conveniently making headlines.
Do you identify with Jada and see a bit of yourself in her?
To a degree. I think she is extremism personified and a very dangerous woman to idealise. I think of myself as dangerous and capable of anything at times, as any woman can be but this extremism needs to be cultivated with distinguished pride and honour in any woman. She prioritizes her net worth above all else, is fairly competitive and enjoys having her cake and eating it. It's often easier said than done when one is (not) in the position of power themselves and facing public scrutiny for decades. I think I admire how distinctly audacious she is to put herself first. I have done that in my own life. My own perspective, ideology and way of life can come at the expense of cherished societal doctrine. I am quite iconoclastic and find public structure and systems inconvenient at times, and inhibiting — I think for any woman right now it becomes as simple just to attack, emasculate and even usurp men. The difference however, is I find it ironic how these characteristics were not highlighted in her before. It's almost a sense of desperation to identify with modern women and to extort the identity women are cultivating for themselves.
Is Jada a new type of icon for a new liberated kind of woman?
I truly believe that women are women everywhere but are socialised differently. Women have been indoctrinated for centuries to abide by societal constructs, religion, traditions and morals. Women were taught to be meek so men could be pious, perhaps even to take care of their security needs. I think women were vulnerable then but now, there are a plethora of financially liberating avenues for a woman and I am grateful to be accustomed to it. It is a conundrum which has rendered women very powerless. I scrutinise and question everything and thus understand that women are more than mere place holders but are pioneers for change because they bring life force energy into the world. Women have been underestimated at any age and any stage of their life, this I believe is the grave mistake. Jada highlights this transition in society and how old, cherished beliefs which may have been useful during their distinctive era, no longer serve a purpose in the now. What is concerning, however, is that women can still be used as tools in an agenda to warp anything and everything in the name of feminism and this is dangerous. I still believe marriage is precious and a man should earn a woman. Women just need to be wary about ideas of liberation that destroy families entirely because once again, this is a wealthy, celebrity personality that capitalises on your ability to relate to extremism. Essentially, what I am saying is an average woman is not in Hollywood and may need what they are attempting to be liberated from. It is all but so ironic. It's a double-edged sword; women need men but now, not as desperately. At some point, Jada needed Will but the evolution in betrayal of that is what women should be aware of. So to answer your question, no.
Saturday Star
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