Radio and television presenter, businesswoman, actress and model Kriya Gangiah. File image.
Johannesburg - Modern beauty has become a culmination of mental, physical and emotional wellbeing which all work concurrently for you to be your best self. And with the continuous demands of daily life, some self-care goes a long way to improve to look and feel your best.
Social media is also flooded with the latest beauty tips, some untried which could be dangerous and downright obscure. The Beauty Collective (TBC) seeks to provide tried and tested beauty and lifestyle tips and advice. From skincare, haircare, make-up as well as nutrition, fitness and mental health, this is your guide to elevate your inner as well as outer beauty.
This week we feature the beauty advice of South African radio and television presenter, businesswoman, actress and model Kriya Gangiah.
Here is Gangiah’s beauty advice:
TBC: What does beauty mean to you?
Gangiah: As someone who sees someone as an all rounded person, beauty isn’t just looks. You need to be a kind hearted person with a positive attitude.
TBC: What are three beauty essentials that you swear by?
Gangiah: Sunblock, sunblock, sunblock! I can’t stress enough how important it is and how much I swear by it.
TBC: Please can you briefly speak to us through your everyday beauty routine.
Gangiah: I use Optiphi, which is an amazing proudly South African product. It’s a facial cleanser, serum, eye cream and moisturiser. Every day and night. I’m lucky that I inherited amazing skin from my parents so the only thing I look out for is pigmentation. And for this I use argan oil every night to naturally control pigmentation in my later years
TBC: What aspects of beauty are you most passionate about and why?
Gangiah: Definitely hair care. Having curls means there is a lot of maintenance. I am obsessed with trying out different hair masks, styling techniques, curl crèmes etc.
TBC: Are there any beauty tips and hacks that you swear by and can share with us? .
Gangiah: I recently travelled to Morocco and the women there swear by argan oil. It can be applied to your face at night in its raw form to help with pigmentation. I have been applying it every night and I’m starting to see the results.