Singing his heart out: Alistair Izobell. Picture: supplied
Alistair Izobell is a name well-known in show business, but he is also a person who has been through a lot in his life.
Since the age of eight, Alistair has been travelling the world to perform, gracing the stages of theatres and arenas in countless countries.
He has produced some of the biggest shows in this country, rubbing shoulders with every celebrity you can think of.
Since the drama of his personal life unfolded last year, the entertainer has stepped away from the bright lights and is only doing certain gigs, scheduled well in advance.
In November 2023, the dad of two opened up about his mental health struggles, divorce, his affair, and three failed suicide attempts, the latest being when he downed over 100 tablets and 18 beers in a bid to end his life.
Speaking to the showman on Wednesday, Izobell said he has been doing lots of self-reflection with professional help and wants to get to a point where he is confident in himself again.
After his long hiatus, he is now putting himself back into the swing of things with a new show.
He says: “Life is different for me now, the joy of performing meaningful songs is better than just being that energetic ball of energy that most people who support me enjoy so much.
“This personal journey I’ve been on is slowly becoming something of the past.
“It truly was a life changing, emotional and personal journey that made me realise how a strong human being like myself could be brought down to a very small existence.
“This shows that strength is actually the journey of seeking help and making sure you get through the darkest times in your life.”
Hearing the emotion in his voice has made me realise that so many people are afraid to deal with the issues they are faced with on a daily basis.
Izobell shares: “With support from the people, with guidance and because of my passion for this industry, I’m slowly but surely making my way back into the industry. For now its baby steps.
“I want to sit on a chair and croon some of the most beautiful evergreen songs.
“These songs will penetrate your thoughts and make you see the joys of life. This is not a show, this is going to be a performance.”
Alistair told fans to expect to see a more sombre side of him.
He adds: “The expectation of me dancing around and being an energetic ball of entertainment is not going to be met.
“But if you are expecting to hear songs that have been part of your memory box and journey, then I will exceed that expectation.
“This makes one appreciate the people and allows the people to appreciate the craft.”
Alistair Izobell brings you ‘For the Good Times’ with a 4-piece band, on Sunday, 15 September at the Nassau Theatre, Groote Schuur High School.
Tickets are R160 per person and are available via WhatsApp on 0797493535.
Welcome back, brother Alistair, and may goodness follow you on your journey through this industry.
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