Blowing his horn: Don Vino. Picture: Tracey Adams/ ANA African News Agency
He was born and bred in Elsies River, and now he is soaring all over the world.
I’m talking about the talented saxophonist we all know and love, the one and only Don Vino Prins, who is taking his career to new heights every year.
After returning from Dubai in the UAE and Doha in Qatar recently, the musician said successful artists in Cape Town and South Africa have a duty to give aspiring artists a helping hand, even if it’s just by giving them hope.
“We as artists that people look up to have a responsibility to show other musicians in the industry and to musicians who dream of working in this industry that our (current and past) circumstances cannot dictate our future.”
These powerful words resonated with me long after our chat on the nine hour flight back home.
Don Vino Prins was a teenager when he started playing around with the sax, and later his hobby would become his dream.
But like so many of our artists, his music was not enough to sustain and he worked in the perishables department in a Shoprite store for an income.
But then at the age of 21 he decided to take a leap of faith, and he has never looked back.
Thanks to his talent, hard work and dedication, he has had the opportunity to learn from a living legend, Abdullah Ebrahim at the Abdullah Ebrahim Academy.
Here he sharpened his skills and upon completing his theoretical work, became a lecturer where he could share his musical knowledge with other students.
Today Prins is an accomplished all-rounder who plays, reads and lives music.
He was spotted by another living legend, David Kramer, who quickly signed him up for one of the best musicals in SA, called Songbook.
Here the sax player would work with Terry Fortune, Loukmaan Adams, Alistair Izobell
and many others.
From here Don Vino was given the ultimate task of musical director for the second theatrical run of Kat and the Kings, District Six Kanala and 3 Wise Men, which stars household names like Riaad Moosa and Marc Lottering.
When he was thrown into the deep end, Prins made sure he knew how to swim, music was his gift to everyone who he shared a platform with.
The public took note of this clear talent on the side of the stage, and Don Vino surprised no one when he took centre stage at the Roxy Revue Bar at GrandWest.
Here he produced, musically directed and performed on his very first one man concert. What was supposed to be a two-night affair turned into two weeks of bliss as word of the kwaai show spread around Cape Town.
This success was his ticket to performing with his childhood idol Jonathan Butler, what makes this even better was every time Jonathan came to perform in SA, he refused to work with anyone else but Don Vino.
They went on to perform together at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and since then Don Vino has become one of the biggest musicians in the Cape.
Prins says: “The best feeling in the world is knowing that we can always feel the audience react to our God given talents, that we have a purpose and that we can live it.
“We as musicians are fortunate to have the kind of support that we have. Our stories mean nothing without the people who read them and without the people who support all of us.”
Working alongside the greats in music is always a treat, they know what they want and they are always prepared for anything.
Don Vino is still making waves after 25 years of performing because of his dedication and determination to reach his goals.
This year his signature show, Saxy Vibes Volume 6, will once again be held at the grandest venue in the Cape; the Elsies River boytjie is ready to set the Grand Arena at GrandWest on fire with some of his closest colleagues.
The legendary Dr Victor will make a guest appearance, funny brothers Emo and Loukmaan Adams will also perform, as well as DJ sensation Cairo CPT.
The MCs for the night are Peadon Smith from Heart Fm and Rasheeqa Karriem from Sheeca’s Closet.
The show will take place on Saturday 25 May, doors open 18:30 and the show starts at 19:00.
Tickets cost R99-R275 and are available at Webtickets and PicknPay stores.