There are positives and negatives towards development, but at the moment I can only see the negatives, and I have a particular grievance against the huge Station House, which was erected despite numerous objections from Seapointers.
Not only has it taken away my sea view and doomed to darkness those unfortunate people in the apartment block on its left whose windows face the building, but it also frequently blocks Irwinton Road, a public thoroughfare leading to houses and garages.
Last week a container straddled the street horizontally with the traffic policeman called to investigate muttering ”these people should be taught a lesson”, and indeed they should.
At the moment they have also taken over the pavement on the opposite side of the street.
There is an additional grievance. In the past week there was a nail in my car tyre and I noticed my neighbour sitting on the ground changing his tyre. This morning a relative with a year-old car who had to replace a tyre the previous week, was back at the tyre place with a puncture in a different tyre, and was told that they have been very busy recently because “all over Sea Point people were coming in with damaged tyres because of the construction going on.”
Should the builders not take some responsibility? Ideally they should replace the tyres free or more realistically they should be compelled to employ people to sweep the roads alongside building sites regularly to ensure that there are no pieces of wire, nails or any other sharp objects lying around.