IOL Ferrel Govender and his brother Darren are accused of killing Shailen Singh (insert)
Image: Graphic: Se-Anne Rall.
The Shailen Singh murder has garnered the attention of everyone this week.
The case has seen many twists including protestors outside court, love triangle allegations, and the list went on.
Many have waited in anticipation as to whether Ferrel Govender and Darren Govender will be granted bail following their arrest for Singh's murder.
IOL has been there and these are some of the highlights of the case so far.
Shailen Singh, 32, owner of Shail Trans, a logistics company, was gunned down in a parking lot on Meridian Drive in uMhlanga on December 29, 2024.
At around 12.05pm, Singh was seated in his white Toyota Hilux bakkie, parked in a parking bay situated at 39 Meridian Drive in Umhlanga when he was shot multiple times.
According to the State's affidavit, Singh was seated in the driver's seat of the vehicle which was still idling when he was killed.
Singh received a phone call at 11.16am and told his wife he was going to purchase tyres for his truck and would not be long.
On New Year's Day, both Govender brothers handed themselves over to police at the Durban North station.
Ferrel, 40, arrived just after 3pm and his brother Darren, 35, arrived just after 9pm.
The lead investigator, Warrant Officer Kumarasan 'Bob' Pillay, said he had gone looking for both accused at their homes and business premises and contacted various friends.
It was their attorney who informed both brothers that the police were looking for them.
Both brothers were arrested on the day and charged with Singh's murder.
The Govender brothers made their first appearance in the Durban Magistrate's Court on January 3, 2025.
The matter was adjourned for an identity parade.
The identity parade took place on January 8.
The matter returned to court on Monday, January 12, which was the start of the bail application.
Outside court, a large gathering of people protested while wearing t-shirts claiming the Govender brothers were innocent.
Carrying placards, the group remained outside the courthouse for the duration of the bail application every day.
ProSecure, the company both Govender brothers work at, banners and gazebos were erected.
Singh's father also attended court every session wearing a t-shirt bearing his son's face.
Singh's wife also attended court proceedings.
The Govender brothers, in their founding affidavits, denied murdering Singh.
They face a schedule six application. The State alleges the murder was pre-meditated.
The onus is therefore on the Govender brothers to provide the court with exceptional circumstances as to why they should be granted bail.
Ferrel, a businessman, with over 3,000 staff and 8,000 customers said his business could not function without him at the helm.
In addition, his attorney handed the court a notice of suspension from Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (Psira).
He has seven days to respond.
"The possible suspension of our registration would result in chaos for all concerned and most especially, our customers," Ferrel said.
The divorced father of three said that he also would not evade trial and had every intention of clearing his name.
He also said that his family relied on his financial support and had to support his minor children.
Darren, 35, a father of three, also a businessman, denies acting in common purpose with his brother to kill Singh.
He has no pending cases but previous convictions of drunk driving and drug possession.
Darren was arrested for pointing a firearm, assault, and intimidation in Phoenix in 2011, but the charges were withdrawn.
The State in an explosive 27-page affidavit outlined why the Govender brothers are suspected to have killed Singh.
Pillay said the motive for the murder was over an affair - Singh had been dating Ferrel's girlfriend.
Pillay told the court that Singh's wife informed the police that her husband had previously been threatened by Ferrel.
The court heard that CCTV footage placed both brothers at the scene of the crime at the time Singh was murdered.
Ferrel was allegedly traveling in a black BMW X5 while his brother was traveling in a black Ford Ranger.
The State said there were witnesses who were afraid for their lives if the brothers were to be released on bail.
Pillay said at Durban North police station, Ferrel tore up his investigation notes.
"He then said he would sue the minister of police and sue me in my personal capacity."
The State said that the investigations in the murder are at an advanced stage and very strong against the accused.
The State has evidence that Ferrel made two calls to the deceased at around the time of the murder.
Darren was found to have received a call from Ferrel and traveled from Morningside to uMhlanga on the day of the murder.
Police said evidence reveals that Ferrel fired two shots and then fired another eight shots as Darren watched.
"After firing the second round of shots, applicant 2 (Darren) grabbed applicant 1 (Ferrel) to the driver's side of the black BMW X5."
The court heard after they left the scene the brothers went to Ferrel's house where they ate a meal from Nando's.
The brothers remain in jail and have been remanded to Westville Prison.
If convicted they could face a life term of imprisonment.
The bail application is set to continue on January 27, for arguments and possible judgment.
IOL News
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