A doctor at Tygerberg Hospital fills a syringe with the Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. Picture: Phando Jikelo African News Agency (ANA)
Pretoria - The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (Sahpra) says a second death linked to the Covid-19 Johnson and Johnson vaccine has been confirmed.
In a statement on Monday, Sahpra said it was recently informed of the second death as a result of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) which came after the person was injected with Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.
“Causality assessment of the reported case was conducted by the National Immunisation Safety Expert Committee using the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) methodology. The case was classified as a vaccine product-related event following investigations conducted and causality assessment,” Sahpra said.
The events reported in the vaccine recipient were consistent with the case definition of GBS and no other likely cause of GBS was identified at the time of illness.
“As previously communicated, GBS is a very rare but potentially severe neurological adverse event that is associated with the administration of various vaccines and other medicines and can also be triggered by some bacterial or viral infections, including Sars-CoV-2,” Sahpra said.
Symptoms of GBS range from mild to severe, and may include muscle weakness, muscle pain, numbness, and tingling.
In many cases, GBS resolves with no serious after-effects, but in some cases GBS can cause serious or life-threatening problems.
“Regulatory authorities have previously investigated reports of GBS associated with Covid-19 vaccines. They concluded that Covid-19 vaccine Janssen may increase the risk of GBS. GBS is therefore listed as a rare adverse event in the professional information (PI) for Covid-19 vaccine Janssen.
“Investigations and causality assessment of all reported severe adverse event following immunisation with the Covid-19 vaccine Janssen and other Covid-19 vaccines are ongoing. The outcomes of these investigations and causality assessments will be shared with the public as soon as they are completed.”