The National Gambling Board warns consumers against the temptation of perceived quick and easy windfalls through gambling.
Image: Henk Kruger/Independent Media
With the rising costs of school fees, stationery, groceries and possibly another fuel increase, the National Gambling Board is urging people to stay away from gambling in a bid to make it through 'Januworry'.
"Gambling should never be defined as a source of income, or to make ends meet. This mindset is fraught with danger, as gambling is never a ‘sure thing’ but rather a risk taken with money that consumers can often ill afford to lose," warned the NGB's Caroline Kongwa.
Noting the perception that January is often a difficult month financially, the board said the unrealistic appeal of quick money through gambling for those in dire financial straits can lead to a worsening situation.
Kongwa said gambling for those in dire financial straits can lead to a worsening situation.
"A red flag should immediately go up in a household if winnings from an unreliable and unpredictable source, such as gambling, is needed to survive from pay cheque to pay cheque," she added.
Other red flags to be on the look out for are; developing a gambling addiction, chasing losses until monies are finished, begging, borrowing or stealing to either gamble or pay off gambling debt, using gambling to escape reality, thinking only about gambling and lying about losses or exaggerating winnings.
Free counselling and treatment for compulsive and addictive gambling can be accessed by calling 0800 006 008; WhatsApp/SMS HELP To 076 6750710 or email to