Sea Point High school principal Leana Le Breton teaches history at the school.
Sea Point High is one of 10 schools in Cape Town which increased their number of bachelor passes in the 2021 matric exams.
Although the school’s matriculant pass rate was 91.6% last year, a drop from 2020 when 95.8% of the matriculants passed, Sea Point High principal Leana Le Breton was happy with the recognition.
“I’m proud that 51% of our Grade 12s passed with bachelor passes. We had 84 Grade 12s and even though the pass rate dipped, we are proud of the quality passes which means the average pass mark that the learners got was over 50%,” said Ms Le Breton.
“Our best subject is business studies where we had 15 distinctions, and in history we had seven. Most subjects averaged in the 50% range.”
Ms Le Breton said this year their intervention strategy was to improve on the subjects in which pupils had not achieved the 50% pass.
“We will build on what we did last year and we want to improve from the 91% to 95%” she said.