Application for traffic calming measures on Mount Nelson Road
Sub-council 16 has received two requests for traffic calming in Sea Point and Fresnaye.
The Sea Point application was submitted by Ward 54 councillor Nicola Jowell in March after resident Shaun Stemmett highlighted the need for speed humps on Mount Nelson Road.
He said that during the day, taxis and other motorists used Mount Nelson Road as a thoroughfare to High Level Road.
“Unfortunately, many are not heeding the caution of children signage and exceeding speed limits in the narrow one-way road,” he said, adding that the church and the park nearby attracted many children in the road as well as child carers and pet owners.
The second request was for traffic calming measures to be installed in Queens Road, Avenue Alexander and Kloof Road in Fresnaye.
Resident Dotti Von Ulmenstein said drivers from Camps Bay sped down Kloof Road because there were no stop signs or traffic lights other than the pedestrian crossing outside Weizman Primary School.
Kloof Road, she added, was very narrow because of the many cars parked along the road.
“Trucks and buses over the middle line on Kloof Road, obstruct oncoming traffic. The traffic is heavy on the road because of the location of the school and many apartment block developments are currently taking place in Queen and Kloof road,” she said.
Both applications are currently being dealt with in terms of the council's traffic calming policy.