Abahlali baseMjondolo tells Godongwana to give people hope ahead of the 2025 Budget Speech
Image: IOL
As Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana delivers his most anticipated 2025 Budget Speech on Wednesday afternoon, the Abahlali baseMjondolo movement said that Godongwana will be addressing a “desperate” nation that should be given hope.
In a statement issued on Wednesday ahead of the Budget speed, the organisation reminded Godongwana of the harsh realities faced by many. It said that hunger rates are sky-high, adding that unemployment, inequality, and violence in the country are among the worst in the world.
“Years of austerity, kleptocracy, and mismanagement have broken the country. Even the suburbs are decaying, and for most people, life outside of the gated residential complexes, office parks, and malls is desperate … Young people wander around in shack settlements and townships with nothing to do. They are walking in the streets aimlessly like strollers.”
The movement highlighted the challenges faced by students, stating that those who passed their matric despite the poor schooling infrastructure could not further their studies as many tertiary institutions failed to accommodate them.
“Many are still waiting for financial aid. Our youth have lost all hope in our government. Most have lost all hope in all political parties. There is no employment, and depression and anxiety are rampant. People are increasingly numbing their pain with alcohol, heroin, and other drugs and turning on each other.
“Some are joining the gangs that prey on society. Poverty is being criminalised, and the poor are being policed with increasing and sometimes militarised violence.”
With stalling economic growth and the US threat to cut ties with South Africa, the organisation raised concerns, arguing that this will seriously affect many.
“We are living in desperate times, and Minister Godongwana must provide a budget that will give hope to everyone, including the poor, in shack settlements and rural areas. It is time for the super-rich to give up some of their privileges for those who go to sleep without food. Taxing the rich for the benefit of the poor will be welcomed by our movement.
“At the same time, corruption must be decisively dealt with so that public wealth can be used for the public good. We need massive investment in schools, universities, hospitals, housing, and psychological and rehab services. We need massive investment in building peace and safety. We need massive investment in our cities. We need, above all, enormous investment in our people.
“In the urgency of this desperate crisis, the SRD grant must begin to pave the way for a universal basic income grant, and land must be allocated for people to grow food and markets established to buy and sell food. There must be support for grassroots cooperatives and communes. Young people must be offered work for public projects. These measures will begin to instill confidence and hope for the poor,” read the statement.
Abahlali baseMjondolo raised concerns about the anticipated budget cuts, asserting that any cuts to health and education will have a serious negative impact.
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