EFF vows to take action against deputy president of the Patriotic Alliance Kenny Kunene after his inflammatory remarks about illegal miners and xenophobia.
Image: Sharon Seretlo / Independent Newspapers
Kenny Kunene, the MMC for Transport in Johannesburg and deputy president of the Patriotic Alliance (PA), says he is "not fazed" by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) threats to report him to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).
The EFF’s reaction comes after Kunene made inflammatory comments on social media, declaring his stance on illegal miners, which sparked widespread outrage.
Kunene posted a graphic image on X (formerly Twitter), showing two skinned sheep hanging on hooks, captioning it: “This is the chilling fate that awaits all illegal miners robbing South Africans of their natural resources and wealth when the Patriotic Alliance takes over the government.”
The image, coupled with his bold declaration, led to accusations of promoting hate speech and incitement to violence.
Kunene's comments have been condemned as "reckless and dehumanising" by the EFF, who claim that his rhetoric encourages xenophobia and undermines human rights.
EFF spokesperson Leigh-Ann Mathys said: "As a government official, Kenny Kunene's actions are not only appalling but also dangerous. His comments disregard the Constitution and the rule of law, and they set a precedent for violence and lawlessness."
Kunene, however, remains unapologetic. In a video responding to the matter, he stated: “We are not fazed as a patriotic alliance. Our stance is very clear that all illegal foreigners must be mass deported, and our position is very clear.
''Illegal foreigners who steal the wealth of this country will be hanged. Death penalty is by injection or hanging, but those will be hanged. We choose to hang them unapologetically when we are in power,'' he said.
He further expressed his disdain for Julius Malema, accusing the EFF leader of being a “lover of illegal foreigners”, and reinforcing his position that those involved in illegal mining should face harsh consequences.
The remarks come amid rising tensions surrounding illegal mining in South Africa, which have been linked to criminal activity, including violence and exploitation.
Kunene’s controversial statements reflect his stance on the issue, claiming that the wealth from South Africa’s resources should benefit its citizens and improve essential services like education and pensions.
The EFF has vowed to approach the City of Johannesburg’s Ethics Committee, calling for sanctions against Kunene, and also plans to escalate the matter to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), seeking penalties for the PA for promoting hate speech.
The party stressed that immigration and crime require lawful, measured solutions and warned against weaponising such issues for political gain.
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