The UKZN women’s Volleyball team took gold at the first tournament of the Aqua Darshan Super 16 series. Photograph: Supplied
By Raylene Captain-Hasthibeer
The University of KwaZulu-Natal Volleyball teams are off to a flying start at the Aqua Darshan Super 16, with both the men’s and women’s teams taking gold at the first tournament of the series at Nkanini Sports Centre in Hibberdene, on the KwaZulu-Natal South coast.
Thandolwethu Ngobese, captain of the men’s team, was chuffed at his team’s top podium finish. “When you win a championship, it’s a great feeling and you really don’t want that feeling to go away,” said the Masters in Financial Banking and Investment Management student.
Kiruben Naicker, head coach of the men’s team, said while there was a slow start to the games, the team had upped its performance after a pep-talk.
“I said if we play at the same level we are not going to advance, so we need something special - and I think the boys responded well in the semi-final. We managed to beat the favourites. The boys executed their skills quite nicely and they were hungry for success,” he said.
Naicker has been familiar with volleyball courts for more than 35 years and got into the coaching space recently. He currently plays in the Master’s league and when not on the volleyball court, he is a biokineticist in private practice.
Speaking to NdabaOnline, Busisiwe Maposa, captain of UKZN women’s team, commended the teams’ performances.
“Congratulations to both our men and women’s teams who won gold at the first tournament of the Aqua Darshan Super 16 series. I am so happy and proud of both teams. We are looking forward to many more victories throughout the series. Let’s keep pushing and striving for more,” she said.
UKZN’s women’s volleyball coach, Marcie Harold, congratulated the teams on their top podium finishes and advised them to take their game to the next level.
“It’s a continuation of our work ethos. The ladies make lots of sacrifices and are reaping the benefits. It’s the reward for all their efforts. As most of the team are students dealing with exams and studying – it makes winning gold so much sweeter. I’m very proud of them and happy for their hard-earned success.
“Take your game to another level. Understand that we have to grow to become stronger and better – becoming better players takes hard work. Being content with who you are now, as a player, means that you are standing still and that very soon the pack will catch up.”
The teams will defend their titles at the next leg of the Aqua Darshan series at UKZN’s Westville campus on July 1, 2023, where they will look to capitalise on the homeground support.