Independent Media has noted the statement released by the South African National Editors Forum (Sanef) on Friday in relation to a story that appeared in some of our newspaper titles that outlined a plot to discredit Independent Media.
We wish to respond to the Sanef statement by asking the following questions:
Dear Sanef
- Why do you condemn our journalists and editors for speaking truth to power?
- Why do you not accord Independent Media editors and journalists the same respect that you accord journalists, editors and owners of other media houses?
- Why have you repeatedly remained silent over the last five years when Independent Media journalists were attacked yet condemn others when our competitor journalists are attacked, and feign solidarity?
- Why do you question the integrity of Independent Media’s journalists and editors as if you can read their minds?
- Why do you condone the blatant use of our competitors' platforms to attack the integrity of Independent Media journalists and editors?
- Why do you not respect the opinions of our editors and journalists by second-guessing their motives and exerting pressure on Independent Media shareholders?
- Why does it not concern you that Independent Media has not been granted the right of reply by these “respected journalists” on various platforms?
- Why did you not condemn Tiso Blackstar, Daily Maverick and AmaBhungane when their journalists did not apply the most basic principles of journalism which is to hear the other side?
- Why did you, at the outset, oppose the change of Independent Media’s ownership, leadership and ethos?
- Why do you condemn a black-owned controlled and managed media house without applying the same standards to its competitors?
- Why did you not support and rejoice the significant continent-wide opportunity that Independent's inclusion in the listing of Sagarmatha Technologies would have for meant for African journalists?
- Why can't SANEF grasp the need for proper media and economic transformation in South Africa?
- Why are so many Editors and journalists so disgruntled with the lack of transformation at Sanef?
- Why do you not support the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the conduct of these media houses?
- Why have you not asked for the media to account for their transgressions during apartheid via a truth and reconciliation commission?
- Why have you not remained objective at the first mention of Stratcom like question the behaviour by some of your funders?
- Why has the mention of Stratcom touched on such a sore nerve to awaken you from your slumber while our journalists are under fire?
- Why have you not asked journalists that worked in the apartheid intelligence services such as Stratcom to come clean and ask for forgiveness?
- Why are you so afraid of revealing who worked for Stratcom and challenging media organisations who apply Stratcom-esque strategies?
- Why can't you uphold the most basic principles of ethical journalism by contacting Independent Media before you release a statement?
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