Despite opposition from the community, the demolition of the building at 6 Kloof Road in Sea Point, has been given the green light.
In a 47-page document dated August 1, the Independent Appeal Tribunal approved the demolition, subject to the condition that the replacement building, measured from the existing ground level to the top of the roof, shall not exceed a height of 25 meters.
The Atlantic Sun reported on the matter last year (“Demolition of Sea Point house opposed”, November 11, 2021) and earlier this year (“Kloof Road demolition approved”, January 20).
The erf, owned by developer Sun Property Investment, lies on the corner of Kloof and Church Road which is a triangular block. The three-storey Sea Point Fire Station is adjacent on Kloof Road and a four-storey Art Deco apartment building is adjacent on Church Road.
The developer is pleased with the decision, according to Antony Arvan, the developer's attorney, who also noted that there is no set date for demolition.
“The appeal was upheld and the ministerial tribunal have agreed that the replacement building can go up to 25 meters which is the maximum allowed in terms of the zoning scheme on that particular erf. We believe it is the right decision, I think the heritage significance of the triangular block (which the building is located on) was over-emphasised,” Mr Arvan said.
The tribunal made six recommendations, one of them stating that the end goal must be to create a contemporary building with architectural merit that will not overwhelm the adjoining buildings in the triangle.
Heritage consultant Ashley Lillie recommended that the HWC allow the demolition of the building on Erf 353 as it did not warrant protection as a heritage area in terms of Section 31 of the NHRA.
"My submission that accompanied the permit application to Heritage Western Cape was a carefully considered one, and I could identify no grounds for an argument that the building should be retained on grounds of cultural significance.
“HWC's permit committee agreed with that position. I am, of course, relieved that the ministerial tribunal has essentially vindicated my recommendations to HWC,” said Mr Lillie.
By the time this story was published, HWC had not responded to Atlantic Sun’s request for comment.