Thousands of health graduates were placed into internships and community service. Thousands of health graduates were placed into internships and community service.
Image: Pexels
Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, the Minister of Health, announced that the distribution of medical graduates eligible for internship in the 2025 yearly cycle was accomplished in record time and without major problems.
He said a total of 8,403 young health professionals have been successfully placed for 2,108 medical internships and 6,295 community service positions, which will begin in January of next year.
All categories of health workers, including community service doctors, diagnostic radiographers, radiotherapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, dentists, and pharmacists, were successfully placed, with the exception of environmental health officers (73 of them), for whom the department is currently in discussions with SALGA and the Border Management Authority.
"At least 6,740 of the total number of the applicants was allocated within their five choices and a further 768 placed in one of their three provinces of choice. Despite some of the applicants still appealing against their placements, as provided for in the policy, 7,701 of the applicants have since accepted their placements.
"Furthermore, a total number of 1,520 applicants for special considerations have been assisted accordingly, hence 1,399 have been successfully placed within their five choices," said Health Departmental spokesperson, Foster Mohale.
He added that it is necessary at this point to clarify that, while the nation is calling for the appointment of more health inspectors in the face of food-borne illnesses and deaths affecting children in the country, the department is working closely with other government departments and stakeholders to find a permanent solution.
"The plans for this 2025 annual cycle allocation kicked off with National Department of Health hosting a three-day workshop on from July 3 to 5, 2024. This was done in partnership with Provincial Departments of Health Coordinators and Professional Associations/Unions.
"These stakeholders were invited to participate in the process of reviewing the Internship and Community Service Placement Guidelines to improve the experience of the users," he said.