THE first step is to know application dates.
DECIDING where and what to study are huge decisions that set the course of your career. And if you would like to study in 2022, you need to know the institution application dates. From there, you can start your application process. IOL Education would like to help you with application dates.
NB: Application dates may vary due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
University application dates for 2022 studies
Here is a list to provide you with insights into 2022:
Nelson Mandela University (NMU): Prospective students are advised to apply online and ensure that they submit all their supporting documents online before the deadlines:
North West University (NWU): The North West University application process 2022 is open from April 15, 2021. Here are the closing dates for submission of applications for the next academic year:
University of the Free State (UFS): The application process is open now. Free State University application opening dates are:
University of South Africa (Unisa): Here are the deadlines for online application for 2021 for this institution:
University of Johannesburg (UJ): University of Johannesburg application for the 2022 academic year are received from April 1, 2021. The closing date is September 30, 2021.
University of the Western Cape (UWC): The applications for 2022 open on May 15, 2021. The UWC application forms are expected to be submitted before September 30, 2021.
University of Cape Town (UCT): University of Cape Town application for the 2022 academic year for all the undergraduate programmes will open on May 1, 2021, and the process will close on August 31, 2021. Prospective students are advised to take advantage of this period to apply online to increase their chances of securing a chance in the institution.
University of Pretoria: The institution has transitioned to a fully online application process; hence prospective students should take note of that. The University of Pretoria applications for 2022 will open on May 1, 2021.
University of Witwatersrand (Wits): University of Witwatersrand applications for resident students are open from April , 2021 and close on the following dates:
Stellenbosch University: Here are the Stellenbosch University application opening dates 2022:
If you are not satisfied with the list of universities that accept applications in South Africa, you may consider applying at TVET (Technical and vocational education and training) colleges as you might stand a chance in one of them. Please note that registration is open at different times throughout the year, depending on the course of study.
Last but not least, for some private colleges, application dates have not been released yet, for others, applications are open at different times throughout the year.
Varsity College's short courses start throughout the year so applications are open for different intakes. The trick is to take a look at their websites.