A suspect was arrested for larceny, he was found with R40,000 worth of clothes hidden in his premises in Chris Hani Park. Picture: SAPS Website
A Kimberly Tactical Response team arrested a 28-year old suspect who was part of a business larceny, he allegedly stole clothes worth R40,000 and hid them around Chris Hani Park, Northern Cape, on Monday.
Warrant Officer Tshepo Lucas, Warrant Officer Goodman Sipho Mantyi and Constable Matshisi Philips led the Kimberly Tactical Response Team through an investigation about a business that was robbed of R40,000 worth of clothing on Monday.
After an extensive investigation, their information led them to a man’s house in Chris Hani Park, Barkly Road and the man granted the police permission to search the premises.
The team found a bag full of clothes with price tags still attached, they found another bag hidden inside an unused refrigerator.
The suspect tried providing excuses for the police's discovery, but they were not satisfying.
The suspect was subsequently arrested for business larceny. He led the police to the second house, also around Chris Hani Park Barkly Road, they found and confiscated a large green bag with two Adidas backpacks inside.
The suspect led the police to a third house at Meriting Street, Phutanang, no other suspect was found, but they found a bag full of clothes with price tags.
The Acting Frances Baard District Commissioner, Brigadier Nicholas Mtongana, thanked the members and the community members for providing the police with the information that led to the arrest of the suspect.