THE CONGRESS of South African Trade Unions (Cocatu) in the Northern Cape has outlined its expectations ahead of Premier Zamani Saul’s State of the Province Address (Sopa), which is set to be delivered on Thursday.
The trade union federation has emphasised the urgent need for the provincial government to address the pressing socio-economic challenges facing the working class and the most vulnerable members of society. These include poverty, inequality, unemployment, service delivery shortfalls, deteriorating infrastructure - especially in hospitals and health-care facilities - the ongoing water crisis, electricity shortages, and other essential services that sustain daily life.
According to Cosatu, the premier’s address should present concrete solutions, complete with clear timelines and measurable programmes, to tackle these issues effectively.
Key Expectations
Among its key demands, Cosatu has called on the premier to prioritise the following:
- State-Owned Mining Company: The establishment of a state-owned mining company aimed at creating employment by focusing on mineral prospecting, mining, and beneficiation.
- Expanded Role for State-Owned Construction: Cosatu urges the government to enhance the capacity of the state-owned construction company to handle infrastructure projects, housing developments, and other public works, reducing reliance on the tender system, which the federation claims has “crippled” state capacity.
- Insourcing of Workers: The federation is pushing for the absorption of outsourced government workers, particularly in the Departments of Health and Education. This includes security personnel, Community Health Workers, Covid-19 Brigades, government mortuary staff, and temporary contract teachers. Cosatu argues that these workers have been exploited without access to benefits such as UIF, medical aid, and pension funds.
- Economic Development Steering Committee: The establishment of a multi-stakeholder economic development committee at the provincial, regional, and municipal levels to encourage community participation in economic growth initiatives. Cosatu suggests such a structure could help mobilise resources for projects like backyard gardening, agricultural production, automotive repairs, panel-beating, and reclaiming spaza shop ownership to create sustainable livelihoods.
- Filling of Critical Vacancies: The immediate appointment of personnel in priority sectors such as health and education, where service delivery is most affected.
- Lifestyle Audits for Officials: The implementation of lifestyle audits for MECs, heads of departments, senior managers, and any public servant responsible for managing public funds to ensure transparency and accountability.
- Action Against Corruption: Cosatu has called on the premier to provide updates on cases of financial mismanagement, fraud, and corruption, as well as the measures being implemented to combat these issues.
- Job-Creating Catalytic Projects: The announcement of large-scale projects designed to stimulate employment, including housing initiatives for the “missing middle.” One of the key projects highlighted is the “Changing the Face of the City” initiative, which is expected to generate over 20,000 jobs and drive economic growth.
With workers across the province expected to listen closely to the premier’s address, Cosatu has stressed that decisive action is needed to rebuild trust in the government’s commitment to economic recovery and social justice.
The premier’s Sopa is anticipated to provide clarity on the provincial administration’s approach to these demands and outline the government’s priorities for the year ahead.