WE’VE GOT THIS: Thembisile Patekile
THE Western Cape police commissioner Thembisile Patekile said there is no need to bring in the army to gang-ridden areas as they have crime under control.
He said this as the South African Police Service (SAPS) presented the crime statistics of the third quarter which ran from October to December 2024.
Though the numbers showed a decrease in murder and attempted murders, crime activists have called for military intervention to combat the bloody violence.
Fight Against Crime South Africa (FACSA) said the communities of Cape Town, particularly those in gang-infested Cape Flats, are living in a constant state of fear, where the sound of gunfire has become a daily reality.
Addressing the media at the announcement of the third quarter 2024/25 crime statistics yesterday, Patekile said they have had successful lockdown operations on the Cape Flats.
He says: “We’ve combined forces for seven to 14 days to stabilise areas like Bishop Lavis, Mitchells Plain and Elsies River.
“We have found that there is one stubborn area which is Delft, which has overgrown and we are conducting a work study of whether there can be another police station.
“We must try not to give gangs a status.
“There is no need for the military, these are just criminals but we are not at a level where we can call the army. We are able to deal with the crime in the province.”
The province recorded 1 198 murders, 103 fewer than the 1 301 recorded in the same period in 2023.
The factors that led to these killings were mainly arguments or misunderstandings, gang-related, initiation or retaliation.
Patekile said they were concerned about an increase in violent crimes in some parts of the province, explaining: “Of the 17 community-reported crimes, the Western Cape reduced 15 categories during the third quarter of the financial year.
However, common assaults and commercial crimes showed increases.
“While murders and attempted murders were significantly decreased during the period under review, gang violence reared its ugly head notably in precincts such as Bishop Lavis, Mitchells Plain, Kleinvlei, Delft and Elsies River.
“This has prompted the intensification and a review of deployments.
“Due to the repetitive nature of this concerning phenomenon of gang violence and its stubbornness, the softer approach to it is also being reconsidered.
“Discussions and engagements with all role players are afoot nationally and provincially.”
Patekile added that the analysis of the crime statistics also revealed that with these murders and attempted murders, the weapons of choice are still illegal firearms.
He said gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) remains a priority for the SAPS in the Western Cape with every endeavour made to combat it.
With decrease in crime stats, top Cape cop says police are able to deal with gangsters
Provincial crime – October to December 2024
Murders: 1 198 (down from 1 301 in the same period in 2023)
Attempted murder: 1 150 (down from 1 304 in the same period in 2023)
Robbery with aggravated circumstances: 5 773 (down from 6 468 in the same period in 2023)
Sexual offences: 1 957 (down from 2 051 in the same period in 2023)
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