Over 450 pupils from Glendale High in Rocklands were reminded of the value of reading and just how much fun it can be on Tuesday February 4, ahead of World Read Aloud Day, which is marked globally on Wednesday February 5.
Care and support assistant Janay Gilbert from the Western Cape Education Department’s Metro South District, who is based at Glendale High, invited children’s literacy organisation Nal’ibali to inspire the young minds to read more.
“We invited Nal’ibali to host the programme today because learners do not know the importance of reading and how fun it can be. Parents should also teach their kids on how fun reading can be, and different ways to do reading as well, example using the song or play method too. This is a first time High School programme.
The learners were addressed by Nal’ibali’s Carol Titus and two Glendale pupils who are also peer educators.
Grade 9 mathematics teacher, Riyaad Rhoda said the lack of reading comprehension among pupils severely impacts their ability to learn. He encouraged parents to nurture a love for reading in their children from a young age.
“There are many learners who can’t follow instructions in class because they are unable to comprehend. It all starts early with bed-time stories. If we can get our children to love books and reading from a young age, even they cannot read yet, then they will take that love for reading with them as they go from primary to high school,” Mr Rhoda said.