Disa Primary School principal Dawn Africa-Karels in the school’s new Play by the Rules Centre.
Disa Primary School in Bonteheuwel now has a recreation room where pupils can go to blow off steam and deal with their emotions.
The Disa Play by the Rules Centre was launched on Mandela Day, Thursday July 18, with support from the Dynamic Sport and Movement Academy, which runs physical education and athletics at the school, and a private company.
“In this room, the children are heard, seen, and respected. We are so excited to give the learners this wonderful space to express themselves,” said principal Dawn Africa-Karels.
Western Cape Education Department circuit manager Sigrid Oberkleiner and ward councillor Angus Mckenzie were among those at the opening.
Disa Primary was established in 1964 and is part of the WCED’s Collaboration Schools Project, with its operating partner, the non-profit organisation Common Good. The initiative aims to improve the learning and teaching of no-fee schools by providing educational and operational support and strengthening governance, leadership and management. It also gives schools the flexibility to change elements of the educational model for improved teaching and learning.
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