Outgoing Constantia Rotary Club president Ian Hart passes the chain of office to the club’s new president, Peter Rogers. Picture: supplied
The Constantia Rotary Club inducted its new president and presented service awards to club members at a dinner last week.
The club’s youth wing, Steenberg Rotaract, along with Rotarians from neighbouring clubs and others attended the function at the Stonehurst Mountain Estate Lifestyle Centre.
The guest of honour, district governor Stephen Young, applauded the club for including the Rotaract members, saying the key to Rotary’s future strength lay in the way the youth wing was nurtured.
During the evening, the Constantia Rotary Club reflected on some of its projects over the past year, including its support for Siyazakha Primary School at Brown’s Farm, in Philippi, which has received a synthetic grass soccer field, an athletics track, cricket nets and a netball court as well as coaching for its 1400 pupils for 18 months.
The school’s principal, Nomalizo Memani, who attended the dinner, said she was planning the official opening for September when the weather improved.
Westlake United Church Trust and Amazing Grace in Westlake work with the club to offer optometry and audiology services to Westlake residents, a pensioners’ Christmas dinner and disaster-relief efforts.
Constantia Rotary Club’s outgoing president, Ian Hart, received a Paul Harris Fellow award from Mr Young, and Mr Hart presented the club’s incoming president with the chain of office.
The Rotaract club’s Michael Holmes takes over from Adrian Ndayambaje as president.
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