The Trauma Centre staff, from left, Lihle Libala, Siyonela Daca, Shaina America, Yumna Adams and Marguerite Holtzhausen.
The Trauma Centre for Survivors of Violence and Torture has been running monthly markets at its District Six premises since April.
The markets raise money and awareness for the centre, says Marguerite Holtzhausen, its executive director.
“We carry out our services through different communities. We are also a resource centre for the District Six community, and we hope that people can spread the word."
The centre was established in 1993 to help victims of the apartheid struggle and political violence.
These days, the centre, with its 21 staff and support from the provincial Department of Social Development and SAPS victim support units, offers counselling in communities across the city for victims of rape, domestic violence, child abuse and other forms of trauma, according to Ms Holtzhausen.
"Any form of violence also creates poverty and unemployment, so we want to assist the local community in marketing whichever activity they do,” she said.
The centre also offers counselling support to primary school children in Bonteheuwel, Nyanga, Kraaifontein, Delft and Manenberg, helping them deal with bullying, abuse and other problems.
“Children are so young and have these kinds of problems, and our social workers must work with them carefully to understand their problems,” Ms Holtzhausen said.
Yumna Adams, a social worker at the centre, said she had counselled victims of shootings and abuse along with the bereaved and survivors of car accidents.
“We would offer our client trauma sessions to help with coping mechanisms and help them with understanding the trauma and how it impacts on the brain,” she said.
The next market, at 126 Chapel Street, will be on Saturday June 29 from 9am. Stalls can be hired for R100, and the centre will have a stall to inform the public about its work. Contact the centre at 021 465 7373 or Ms Holtzhausen at 082 828 7813 for more information.