
Pushback at squatters’ relocation

Junior Bester|Published

No go: Fadiel Adams leads objections to planned move

Ward 43 councillor Elton Jansen and Cape Coloured Congress president Fadiel Adams are at the forefront of objections to the planned relocation of as many as 1 500 squatters to Philippi.

The relocation was announced as part of national government’s plan to reopen the central train line which includes the one in Langa, where the Siyahlala informal settlement has been sprouting for more than a decade.

According to the plan, the families will be relocated to private property between Weltevreden Road and Jakes Gerwel Drive, next to the Siqalo informal settlement, which residents believe will cause kwale for Mitchells Plain.

Fmilies will be relocated to private property between Weltevreden Road and Jakes Gerwel Drive, next to the Siqalo informal settlement. Picture supplied

Adams, whose party has been vocal about promoting housing and job opportunities for coloured mense, said: “We call on authorities to send these people back to the Eastern Cape, to protest for land and housing where they are from.

“Let them go and hold the government they voted for to account, because all this is going to do is push coloured grandmothers further down the line in the wait for housing.”

Jansen has called the move “idiotic” and “ludicrous”, saying there was no consultation with local authorities or residents.

“The schools in that area are already suffering while there is no access to basic services like electricity, water and public transport,” he says.

“Bringing the people from Langa there will only add fuel to the fire.”

Siyahlala community leader Xolisa Silimela said: “I cannot say why people are angry because we are not the ones who are taking over, we are just being moved.”

Speaking at a Prasa event last week, Minister Fikile Mbalula said government are committed to reopening the rail line and all relevant parties have been brought into the loop.

“We have engaged with all the councils and relevant parties while other issues will be handled as they come along.”