The SPCA were on site to assist animals affected by the devastating fire in the Table Mountain National Park.
Animal welfare organisations and a private dog daycare facility are co-ordinating their efforts to ensure the welfare of animals affected by the devastating blaze that started on Sunday April 18.
As the fire raged through the Table Mountain National Park, SPCA inspectors were on-site and while it has been too dangerous to enter the area, they are monitoring the periphery for any animals fleeing the flames.
SPCA spokesperson Belinda Abraham said as soon as it was safe to do so, they would be combing the fire ravaged areas for any injured animals “which will be brought back to our short-term wildlife care facility for treatment.”
In an update on Monday she said: “(There are) no animal patients yet. We are still unable to enter the areas (but) remain on high alert on the periphery.”
Meanwhile, the SPCA, PDSA and AtFrits Dog Hotel were preparing to take in any animals in need of a safe sanctuary resulting from the evacuation, she added.
Ms Abraham said they would need donations of dressings, bandages, Silbecor ointment, cool packs, fresh fruit and vegetables for the animals and supplies like energy drinks, energy bars and eye drops for the team in the field.
The Table View, Welgemoed, Cape Gate, Gardens, Constantia and Cavendish Square branches of Absolute Pets are acting as drop-off points for the donations.
Ms Abraham asked that those living in the areas close to the site of the fire, place shallow plastic containers with water in their gardens for the animals who will be thirsty.
If you come across an injured animal and it is safe to do so, place the animal in a covered cardboard box to minimise stress and call the SPCA on 083 326 1604.