
192 babies born on New Year’s Day in Western Cape

Sibulele Kasa|Published

Baby Imolathile, the second baby born just two minutes after the first, to Anelisa Gqwalashe at Helderberg Hospital. Picture: supplied.

A total of 192 babies - 94 boys and 98 girls - were born on New Year’s Day in the Western Cape’s public health facilities.

The first baby, a boy, was born at Mitchell’s Plain Hospital at 12.25am, weighing 3.6 kg, to mother Ashiekia Ellie.

Two sets of twins were also born - one at New Somerset Hospital, and the other at Tygerberg Hospital.

The Department of Health congratulated and wished the parents well with their newborn babies in a media statement issued on Monday January 2.

“A child’s health is most vulnerable during the first 1 000 days of its life. This period, from conception until a child’s second birthday, offers a unique window of opportunity to shape healthier and more prosperous futures. The importance of having your baby fully immunised against diseases cannot be stressed enough,” the statement read.

The department further advised parents to ensure their babies are vaccinated and follow the advice of healthcare workers at their local clinics.

“Make time to play with your child and support him or her as they grow and develop. Remember to take care of yourself as well.”

192 babies born on New Year’s Day in Western Cape