The exclusive T-shirts designed for the campaign in celebration of Heritage Month. Picture: SuppliedT
A South African luxury denim brand, Tshepo Jeans celebrates Heritage Month in style as it launches a new campaign to pay tribute to South Africa’s vibrant heritage, diverse languages and its rich and different cultures.
Tshepo Jeans is Mzansi’s luxury denim brand that offers a range of luxury denim clothing and other ready-to wear clothing items. It is among the popular South African brands such as Bathu, Thebe Magugu and Rich Mnisi.
The “We, The People” campaign is a movement built around the core pillars of human dignity, equality and community. The campaign draws inspiration from the phrase, “United in Our Diversity”, which is rooted in the first three words of the South African Constitution.
“At Tshepo, we believe in the power of unity through diversity. Our campaign captures the essence of our collective identity, reflecting the richness of our cultural tapestry and the stories that define us,” says the founder and creative director at Tshepo Jeans, Tshepo Mohlala.
The campaign aims to bring together a diverse group of South African netizens, including celebrities such as local actress Pearl Thusi and TV pesonality Mzwandile Ngubeni.
Twelve exclusive T-shirts, with each representing the 12 South African official languages, will be featured in this campaign to celebrate the nation’s strength through its diversity.
“We, The People, Thina Bantu, Rena Batho, Hina Vhanu, Tsine Banfu, Rona Setjhaba, Ons Die Mense, Rine Vhanthu, Thina Abantu, Rena Batho, Rona Re Le Batho” are the slogans that the exclusive T-shirts will have on them.
“We are a heritage brand because of where we come from, and a legacy brand because of what we aspire to represent for generations to come.
“We are proud yet humble, refined yet deeply connected to our roots. Tshepo is sophisticated, artisanal and timeless, capturing the unifying spirit that resonates with those passionate about South Africa,” adds Mohlala.
Tshepo Jeans is a brand that with a purpose to connect communities and celebrate the artistry of African craftsmanship. It also aims to inspire and unite people worldwide, showcasing garments that are not only meticulously crafted, but also rich in cultural narrative.