Your Year Ahead
Sagittarians become more determined than ever. Also, it’s a year of gradual metamorphosis. This will require considerable self-analysis and probing into your past, but all the work will be worth it.
You start to discover just how strong and resilient you are. If you have ever doubted your strength, by the new year, you'll never question your confidence and resourcefulness again.
In the meantime, as the months progress, you’re more able to pursue your heart's desire - and if you can allocate time for what you love each day, life becomes infinitely more rewarding.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
It’s a “now or never” kind of week. You’re determined to put yourself on the map - right here, right now. Even if your current job is stable, you crave more success, more money, just plain “more”. With vitality recharged, you’re ready to resume plans previously put on hold. Just don’t rush it, or you’ll force things to happen before their time.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Your strong character and pursuit of prosperity is what distinguishes you from others. You’re always looking for the best solution to any problem. Some shy away from your disciplined manner. One thing’s for certain - others notice your presence; but you can be a tad too serious. Relax, Taurus. Sometimes it’s okay to just enjoy life.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Thanks to a chaotic cosmos, few Geminis seem to be getting a fair go right now. An erratic Mars, in particular, makes it all but impossible to stick to a schedule. You may try to sidestep this week’s tetchier planets, but when it comes to getting your message across, many Geminis could still become surprisingly tongue-tied. Rare, indeed.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Your love of luxuries can occasionally run over-budget and right now you’re probably picking up the tab for either your own - or someone else’s, financial enthusiasms. And there’s nothing like money problems to test a relationship. At work, should an unexpected change lead to new territory, don’t fret. Just don’t take short cuts.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Spurred on by a fiery ambition, your desire for independence and success is even greater than usual. Stop talking about what you would like to do - instead, get busy, and do it. Money and status are easier to achieve if you take the lead, rather than follow. Prepare well, and be honest in all your dealings.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
Virgos now crave admiration and acknowledgement - you want the focus turned towards you. The biggest contributing factor, however, is self confidence. So, first, you must consider yourself worthy enough to defeat any contender. You’re a born communicator, Virgo, and this week you have the right opportunities to do it well.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
It’s not like you to be so biased, Libra. Just remember that everyone has a right to their own opinions, and that could at least get you back on talking terms. Although tired, you have just enough energy to wave the white flag and then meet on neutral territory. Chances of ending conflict improve with a mutual meeting of minds. Call a truce.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
Excitement is in the air, and you sense it. The time’s right to turn dreams into reality. Start a new business - find a new job. Let loved ones spoil you. What’s to lose? Nothing. But there’s plenty to suggest fun and perhaps even a fistful of cash. Finances look particularly promising, with a possible merger of love and business interests.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
This week you have more time to help others. But don’t let anyone convince you that it’s simply a case of parting with cash. Your wisdom will provide better guidance than just swiping your card. At work, the more you do - the more you get to do. For some, an unexpected cash bonus helps to clear old debts.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
There’s a lively sense of vibrancy around you this week - one that will allow you to be cosmically guided in the right direction. You may find yourself the centre of attention and will impress others with your creative flair. It won’t be long before higher-ups are happy to back your endeavours - they’ll sense your confidence.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
With a significant other choosing a life change this week, Aquarians could feel uncomfortable about their lack of control. If your partner or a friend is in the mood to step away, just remember - it takes two to tango, so there’s no point lingering alone on the dance floor. At work, too, upheaval seems inevitable.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You’re on a professional and creative bender that can’t be suppressed. Don’t panic if a nearest and dearest appears out of sorts. At times, we all need our private space, but it won’t be a lonely week. There are still plenty of special moments to be had. Singles are due for a shift of status - but are you really ready to commit?
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