Takkies Dinwiddy. Image: Supplied
Getting fit does not have to be the chore it’s often perceived to be. Instead, as people all around the globe are finding out each day, dancing is one of the best fitness workouts there is.
If done regularly, dance can do wonders for your body. Experts say, when you choose dance as your only form of exercise, you’ll want to aim for about 30 minutes a day to reap the benefits.
In this issue, we look at dance fitness and how it has become an alternative form of exercise for many people, globally.
We also speak to choreographer and entrepreneur Nkateko Dinwaddy, who is popularly known as Takkies, about dance fitness. She shares tips and tricks on how you can use dancing to better your physical and mental health.
There are many types of fitness dances that you can use to keep fit. We break them down and share their benefits to help you choose one that will work for you and your fitness goal.
We also look at dance fitness challenges that have captivated the world.
While we know that sweating might be inevitable, we understand that there are things that can help you manage or even prevent it. Especially in the gym while breaking a sweat.
Every dancer knows when to hang up their dance shoes. In this issue, it is me hanging my health editor dance shoes.
After two years of having launched and worked on this digital magazine, this is my last issue.
It has been an amazing journey that’s helped me grow in my career and in managing my health. I know that this magazine will continue to grow and evolve with every issue.
Remember to always choose your health, in any season of your life.
Read the magazine here
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