Dermal fillers have been around for quite a while. In the 1970s, collagen injections that were derived from cows were first introduced. However, the efficacy of these fillers wasn’t desirable in addition to the high amount of swelling and the short-lived results. These days, however, thanks to aesthetic players such as Teoxane, innovative hyaluronic acid dermal fillers have been produced. These products are 100 per cent from non-animal origins, cruelty-free, biodegradable, biocompatible and offer immediate, long-lasting results.
Over the last decade, encouraged by the introduction of new and precise aesthetic technology, more men have opted for dermal filler injections to enhance their facial features. GQ got in touch with two of Teoxane’s expert doctors, Dr Kirdar Guney and Dr Ismail Kucuker to find out whether hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can be used to masculinise the face as well as the benefits and risks that men can expect.
GQ: Can dermal fillers be used to create a more masculine face?
Dr Kirdar Guney: Of course. We have a good understanding of the proportions of both the female and male faces, so taking these into consideration, we can definitely use dermal fillers to build up certain areas that will help create more masculine proportions for the facial area.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: Absolutely yes. In current trends, we use dermal fillers to make the face more masculine.
With regards to technology and innovation, how have dermal fillers improved over the years?
Dr Kirdar Guney: Technology and innovation have improved extremely over the years as we have gained so much more knowledge about the anatomy of the facial layers. We know that every single layer of the face has different properties. Thanks to the technological advancement of filler production, we have different fillers that can cater to different layers of the face because they actually mimic the anatomy and the dynamic effects of each different layer. This provides us with natural results, both at rest and also during facial expressions.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: When dermal fillers were first introduced, we had collagen-based fillers that were mostly made from bovine collagen. Because of side effects, risks were higher and longevity was short. Then, hyaluronic acid fillers were introduced and the rules of the game have changed. Reactions almost ended and longevity options were given.
What sort of procedures are most popular among men these days?
Dr Kirdar Guney: For males, the most popular procedures include masculinisation through building a more strong jawline. We have lots of patients who come to us due to the initial signs of ageing, which are mainly due to the loss of support in the mid-face and other areas as well. Our main goal with such patients is to provide support and reverse ageing signs without creating any feminisation with the filler procedures.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: The biggest demand is jawline. Men demand a strong chin which creates a more square and masculine face. The second demand is to increase the volume of the lips. Males generally demand an increase in the volume of the lips and do not want to define lip borders. The third most common demand is nose fillers that hide the nasal hump and give a straight nose with a high nasal dorsum.
Do you feel the perception of dermal fillers and injections among men has evolved positively in recent years?
Dr Kirdar Guney: Yes, I absolutely agree with this due to the positive effects of social media and also with the increased understanding of taking care of oneself and self-care. This has definitely added a dramatic effect in the positive understanding of dermal fillers among male patients.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: Yes it has. In the past, males were afraid of dermal fillers, because they thought that dermal fillers were for females only and using fillers will feminise the face. But when male injection points were differentiated from female injection points, men started to be more convinced of dermal fillers’ ability to masculinise the face.
Dermal fillers may be non-surgical procedures, but that doesn’t mean they pose no risk at all. What should those who are new to this procedure be aware of?
Dr Kirdar Guney: These are medical procedures, so before any patient undergoes such procedures they have to make sure that they are working with a qualified medical practitioner. They should also be aware of the products that are used because there are multiple unsafe products on the market. Therefore people must be aware of what is being injected into their faces. Knowing that your medical practitioner and the products used are top-of-the-line will be a very good way to start off decreasing the risk for any possible complications.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: The most common problems are bruising and swelling around the injection area. Tenderness may be seen in the injection area for around two to five days. Also, as dermal fillers are artificial materials – although very low – there is always the risk of allergic reactions. In rare cases, the application area can become infected.
What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers as opposed to collagen injections of the past?
Dr Kirdar Guney: Instead of the collagen injections of the past, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are biocompatible meaning that they have much less risk of allergy and other reactions. They are also reversible, so in the event of any kind of complications, we are able to reverse them under control.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: Collagen injections always have higher risks of allergic reactions and their longevity is much shorter when compared with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.
What are some dos and don’ts before and after a dermal filler procedure?
Dr Kirdar Guney: In general, it’s important to make sure that you’re not using any blood thinners or any kind of medication or even types of green tea or herbal supplements that can increase bruising prior to injection and after one-week post-injection. It’s also important to refrain from heavy exercise for approximately one week after injection. We always want to make sure that patients drink enough fluids especially water after we do hyaluronic acid injections as this helps integrate the product into the tissues much better.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: Generally, after the dermal fillers, people can continue their routines. They can have a shower and can even do sports. Fillers do not interfere with your life habits.
Why do you think we are witnessing a surge in interest in dermal fillers because of the pandemic?
Dr Kirdar Guney: There could be multiple explanations as to why there has been an increase in filler applications and demand in the pandemic. One is, of course, the desire to want to feel better about oneself in a state of depression and anxiety. Having increased our virtual meetings through social media and programs like Microsoft Teams and Zoom, we have become more aware of our facial shape and this has caused an increase in wanting to change the flaws of our faces.
Dr Ismail Kucuker: When people spent more and more time at home, they started to pass more time on social media. On social media, people always post their best photos from their best-looking angle. When people see others, they tend to believe that they need some improvement in their face too. Also, during the pandemic, many people understood that the best investment is the investment into your body. They started to want more dermal fillers in their face to increase self-confidence and have a healthy appearance.
[Via GQ Middle East]
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