UMCULI uLady Zamar ethokozisa izihlwele Isithombe: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency (ANA)
SELIZE labhoboka ithumba kumculi owasola omunye ngokumdlwengula ezicelela ushwele
ULady Zamar yintokazi ethandwa ngabaningi ngephimbi layo elimandi.
NgeSonto ntambama, le ntokazi igcine ibhodlile ngosizi lweminyaka lokuhlukunyezwa ngabathandi bomculo ngodaba olwashiya iNingizimu Afrika ihlukene phakathi.
Lo mculi wasola uSjava ngokumnukubeza ngokocansi. Ngokombiko owavela, isigameko senzeka ehhotela eThohoyondou, eLimpopo, ngo-2017 ngemuva komcimbi owawukhona.
Babodwa abebethi bayameseka uLady Zamar ngalokhu ayekusho, nokuyisimo lesi esaholela ekutheni umsolwa uSjava egcine elahlekelwa ngamathuba amaningi emisebenzi.
Lavulwa icala ngo-2019 esiteshini saseLimpopo.
Owayekhulumela amaphoyisa aseLimpopo, uCol Moatshe Ngoepe, waveza ukuthi idokodo ladluliselwa kumshushisi wombuso ukuze athathe isinqumo ngecala.
Kwenzeka konke lokhu-nje, uSjava uyaqhubeka nokuswela umsebenzi ngoba abahleli bemicimbi babengalifaki igama lakhe ohlwini lwabaculi abaqashiwe kanti nezinhlelo zethelevishini ezifana noZalo ayeseqashwe kuzo zamlaxaza ngemizuzu yokugcina.
Lady Zamar is acting like she didn’t tell her story. We heard her story & it had a lot of holes, she didn’t cook it well. Sjava lost everything, & he had to start over with odds stacked against him. Now she is threatening to kill herself trying to emotionally blackmail us. UNYILE
— uBLOSE (@BLOSE_ZN) July 16, 2023
ULady Zamar ufaka isikhalazo enkundleni kaTwitter-nje, useneminyaka enaphazwa ngabantu bethi wacishe wabulala ikusasa lomunye ngenxa yesikhwele.
Abantu abaningi basola ukuthi le ntokazi yaba nesikhwele ngesikhathi uSjava owayehlele umcimbi wakhe yedwa, evakashelwa wunina esiteji ehamba nentokazi okwavela ukuthi umakoti wakwakhe.
“Kungani ningizonda kangaka? Kwenzeka kanjani ukuthi ngibe lula ngale ndlela kini?
Lady Zamar Finaly Speaks out about the hate she recieves for the Rape Allegations on South African Artist ,,,, Sjava 🤔![CDATA[]]>🤔![CDATA[]]>🤔![CDATA[]]>🇿![CDATA[]]>🇦
— ® (@RybroX_) July 17, 2023
Kusho le ntokazi ibhala enkundleni uTwitter.
Akagcinanga lapho, uqhubeke ngokuthi abantu abalwazi ‘udaba lwami lonke futhi abazi ukuthi kungani ngithule sonke lesi sikhathi’.
“Anazi ukuthi nimephula kanjani umuntu.”
why do you guys hate me so much? how have i become such an easy target for you guys?
— Lady Zamar (@Lady_Zamar) July 16, 2023
you guys don’t know me or my full story and you don’t know why i’ve kept quiet for such a long time…you guys have no idea how you break a person.
i can’t move on from your assumptions of what…
Ngale nkulumo, kucacile ukuthi uzithintele iziqandu ngoba abantu bakhwele badilika kuye esikhundleni sokuba babe nozwelo.
Sorry about this Zamar.
— Penuel The Black Pen (@GodPenuel) July 16, 2023
I've come to realize that there are very sad & broken ppl on social media, especially Twitter... & they get off from saying hurtful things to others & eliciting a reaction.
They won't go away... they'll even enjoy your tweet.
Learn to ignore & focus on…
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