Former President Jacob Zuma and Nonkanyiso Conco in happier times. Picture: File.
Award-winning media personality Nonkanyiso Conco once again shared her personal life on Instagram.
In a Q&A session, “The Real Housewives of Durban” star revealed that no man will ever love her like Jacob Zuma and vice versa.
“I’ve given a chance to ‘anyone’ as you say. And eyi self esteem iyabavitha (they lack self esteem), a common thing with guys abangishelayo amagwala ento engayazi (men who are asking me out are cowards) so maybe ngempela (I really) must date premium,” she said.
“My past has nothing to do with my DNA, I have never seen ‘baba’ [referring to Zuma] for what the world sees ‘status’ he knows naye (himself) hence he respects me and I respect him back.
“I can’t be sis Dolly to a weak man and doesn’t accept I will love him for who he is. Nobody will ever love me like he did and same to me but doesn’t mean impilo ayime ke (that life must stop).
“Me giving ‘no one’ a chance is because I’ve never been umuntu ophakeme (an arrogant person) and I will not.”
Her post made it to X, where people scrutinised her relationship with the former president and said she was a victim of grooming.
“Victims of grooming break my heart man. They’re conditioned very early to believe no one will ever love them like the groomer does.
“The groomer literally shapes the victim’s perceptions; thus quite a number of victims never realise that they’re actually victims and therefore keep going back.
“The groomer is all they know, and anything outside of them they don’t perceive as love. It’s even worse if the victim doesn’t have a father figure in their life,” said @somuhleomuhle.
Others said she needed to find solace because their relationship didn’t work.
“She needs to let it go at this point and establish an identity outside him because he didn’t love you enough to marry and make you his wife…so it can’t be that no one will ever love you like he did,” said @londypearl.
Conco and Zuma have a six-year-old son who shares a birthday with his father.
The pair went public about their relationship in 2016 and, in 2018, Zuma proposed. However, their romance was short-lived and although it's been years since they broke up, Conco still reminisces about it.