DJ Fresh at the memorial and funeral service of broadcaster Thabiso Sikwane held at 3C church in Irene, Centurion. DJ Fresh speaks at the memorial and funeral service of broadcaster Thabiso Sikwane held at 3C church in Irene, Centurion.
Image: Oupa Mokoena / Independent Newspapers
‘’I’m sorry, my friend,’’ said DJ Fresh, fighting back tears as he publicly apologised for the heartache and embarrassment he had caused his late ex-wife Thabiso Sikwane over the years.
On Friday, the Sikwane and Matladi families, as well as friends gathered at the 3C Ministries in Centurion to celebrate, pay tribute and bid farewell to the radio and TV personality.
Among those who were paying tribute was her ex-husband DJ Fresh, real name Thato Sikwane.
During a heartfelt tribute to his late ex-wife, DJ Fresh shared with the mourners that the point of the podcast episode he shot with his former wife last week was to also give her a public apology for all the heartache he has caused her.
Speaking candidly about his regrets, he shared his fond memories of their time together, acknowledging the difficulties they faced during their marriage.
‘’The only thing that I owe her that was meant to be delivered last week when we recorded the podcast, was an apology in public for any heartache that I’d caused her,’’ he said.
Since he was unable to do so during the episode of What A Week (WAW) podcast, Sikwane looked towards his late ex-wife’s coffin and apologised for all the hurt and embarrassment he caused her during their time together.
Their children Wandi, Reneilwe, Thato and Lefika were also at the podium, sharing stories of their fond memories with their mother and the life lessons she taught them.
They shared their mother’s unwavering devotion to her faith and her family, remembering how she taught them to love God and to cherish his word while they seek guidance through prayer. They recalled how their mother lived out her faith in every aspect of her life which inspires them to do the same.
‘’Mama is the reason why I am in church and I know God,’’ said Wandi Sikwane.
Adding that her mother would often tell her that before her death, she wants to leave her with a relationship with God which she successfully did.
‘’Papa I love you, there’s nothing wrong with crying in front of us,’’ said Thato Sikwane junior. This set off a flood of tears among the mourners.
He added that he would like for his father to continue to share his vulnerability with them, as well as their mother’s love now that she is gone.