Lasizwe sat down with DJ Sbu for an episode that doubled up as a collaborative interview for both Sbu’s The Hustlers Corner and Lasizwe’s Awkward Dates platform. Picture:
Lasizwe sat down with DJ Sbu for an episode that doubled up as a collaborative interview for both Sbu’s ‘The Hustlers Corner’ and Lasizwe’s ‘Awkward Dates’ platform.
The two spoke on a range of topics, including Lasizwe’s recent philanthropic work and his journey in the entertainment industry.
“I grew up with my mom and my sister,” he shared.
“We lived in Pimville, Soweto. I always say this, I lived in a very creative house. We didn’t have the means to live a luxurious life, and the reason why I say this is because my dad, on the other hand, he was rich rich.
“But the only thing that we could say is a holiday is me visiting my uncle’s house in Durban. That was a holiday for us.”
He went on to share some of the personal experiences he had with his mother.
After expressing how much he missed her, Lasizwe also shared how she died back in 2016, “My mom had a heart attack in December (2016) in a barbershop. I was cutting my hair for my matric dance.
“That day was so weird because my mom was actually spending her last cent on me just to make sure that I have a great matric dance.
“She sat down on the couch, I was cutting my hair and looking back on the mirror, and she collapsed. I saw her take her last breath.”
During the interview, Lasizwe also spoke on why he hadn’t publicised the fact that he was Khanyi Mbau’s brother.
“I think that I didn’t want to use it as something to step into the industry as, because I think that would’ve always been something that would’ve always been something lingering or a shadow over my (career).
“So I just really tried to pave something that I could one day say I did it on my own and let the being Khanyi Mbau’s brother be the cherry on top.
“She's played a huge role in my career but I’ve really embraced the fact that she allowed me to be my own entity and not under someone’s wing or umbrella.”