Shahan Ramkissoon. Picture: Supplied
After more than a decade at eNCA, news anchor Shahan Ramkissoon has left the channel for a welcome change in his career, and in a new city.
Ramkissoon will be moving to Cape Town where he will take up a leading position at a communications company.
“I’m really excited to be joining Eclipse Communications as its chief strategy officer. I will play a pivotal role in the direction of the agency, leading strategy for clients, working closely with the founding partners and will be key in the development of an in-house media training division.”
“And I finally get to move to our beautiful mother city, a place I’ve wanted to live in for years,” Ramkissoon shared.
He said the decision to leave eNCA was made with a heavy heart as he had spent more than a decade there, being groomed from a young field reporter to a prime-time news anchor.
“It was a tough decision to leave eNCA. I can safely say I learned most of my skills as a young journalist from a really good team of editors and co-workers at eNCA.
“Fierce journalism is hard to come by these days – eNCA gave me the platform to challenge politicians and demand accountability.”
While he was grateful to the channel for giving him the space to showcase his talent to South Africa, he said he was ready for the change.
“Trying something new does make me nervous, but that’s a good thing because I’m ready for change. I’ve been a journalist for 18 years and have been at eNCA for 12 years, so I really just needed another challenge and it boiled down to professional and personal growth.
“I will miss playing an active role in the search for truth. But now, my contribution moves to economic growth.”
“I’ll be joining incredibly talented people, who are going to help me with this key transition in my life. I have full faith and trust in them and the Eclipse brand,” Ramkissoon said.
He said it was important to push yourself to do different things so that there was constant growth and excitement in your life.
“I’ve been wanting to move to Cape Town for years. I can’t tell you how I fell in love with this place every time I visited and I’m so glad I get to take in the views daily now. It’s made me a much happier person.
“So this big shift in career and location comes at the right time in my life,” he added.
While he will miss the people, the diversity and the Johannesburg nightlife, he is looking forward to soaking up the picturesque wine farms, mountains, and sea views in his new home.
“This is going be make me a happier, calmer individual. It’s time to smile more!"
Ramkissoon acknowledged the support he had received from his fans over the years, saying: “South Africans are amazing people. I’d like to say thank you to everyone who watched ‘South Africa Tonight’ for the love, support and encouragement.
“We should be a proud nation, knowing that citizens push for accountability in the interest of our country’s growth.
“I know people have already tweeted and messaged, saying they miss me, but this is not the end of my TV career, I will be back one day, perhaps in a different role – I wouldn’t mind trying out some light acting… wink, wink,” he said.
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