Aimed at high school students in grades 9 through grades 11 and aged 14 to 17 years old, the M A C is a space for art-loving pupils to connect with each other as they learn, discuss and create art.
Applications for the second MOCAA Art Club, an initiative of the Zeitz MOCAA’s Centre for Art Education (CFAE) are currently open.
The art club, which begins on Saturday February 11 next year, is aimed at high school pupils in grades 9 to 11 and aged 14 to 17 years old.
“We really want to develop art literacy and criticality while building social cohesion in pupils,” said Amy Cornfield, facilitator of the MOCAA Art Club. “We especially want to emphasise the importance of thinking and talking about art that instils an understanding of diverse attitudes and practices.”
The 16 sessions, including orientation, will act as the catalyst for conceptual development and creation and result in an exhibition curated and installed by the pupils. Clubs will take place on two Saturdays each month, from Saturday February 11 to Saturday October 28 next year.
To ensure access for all, the MOCAA Art Club offers both paid and bursary memberships, with bursaries awarded to pupils from no- or low-paying schools in Cape Town who show a keen interest and promise in their capabilities to talk about, think about and make art. Pupils who are already on a full bursary are also welcome to apply. A maximum of 16 pupils will be accepted to the 2023 programme.
Applications criteria must include a one-page typed or written motivation letter explaining “Why I want to be part of MOCAA Art Club” and a portfolio consisting of A4 to A3 artwork inspired by an artist from Africa, A5 observational drawing of an object that represents Africa today with a short caption for the drawing that explains why the object was chosen and any artwork in any medium produced in the last six months and no larger than A1
Applications close on Monday December 12, and forms, available here, can be submitted in-person or via email to