Durban city hall. | Zanele Zulu/Independent Newspapers
An apparent outburst by an evidently ignorant and pathetically racist eThekwini councillor (unnamed) during the Council debate on plans to erect statues recognizing and commemorating the arrival from India in 1860 onto our shores of a very contributory community (the Indian community) in that the councillor shouted the remark, "Go back to Bombay", demands immediate censure and action of the severest nature.
The National Independent Congress of South Africa (NICSA) condemns this remark and equates it to the closet racism that still lurks in the minds of certain bigots still trapped in the laager mentality.
The miscreant councillor, obviously a misguided charlatan of our constitutional democracy, who clearly believes in his/her unfounded superiority - in racial terms - is devoid of facts firstly, and is grossly nescient, in that the name of Bombay in India has been changed to Mumbai - and this lack of education of this councillor should be a source of embarrassment to the councillor and his/her party.
But what is of import, is that these kinds of remarks, especially in the portals of City Hall suggest that the abyss of racism still exists in the hearts and minds of elected officials who have to and must exhibit the highest levels of integrity and respect for all our people - at all times!
Does this councillor only serve people who are not of Indian origin but at election time would be soliciting the support of the Indian community for his/her votes?
NICSA is clear - the Indian community will no longer capitulate to racist jibes and attacks and remain silent, from whichever quarters it may emanate.
The Indian community will not be the battering ram of racists any longer - there was an attempt in July 2021 to pin the unrest on a racial aspect instigated by the Indian community - this was patently false and purely an excuse to validate the reasons for the events that followed.
Mr. Speaker, you are duty bound to investigate and action this racist jibe with immediate effect and rapping the miscreant on the knuckles by simply accepting an apology must not be on the books.
This councillor must not be allowed to serve the people any longer and be removed from council. These are the kinds of so-called citizens and their crass thinking that reminds us of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" - where the farm is disintegrating, leaving only the animals - and South Africa can no longer afford to be subjected to such misconduct.
NICSA trusts that you will exercise your powers and functions as you are supposed to and act in the immediacy for this incident indeed is an ominous cloud on the horizon.
Narendh Ganesh | National Leader: NICSA
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media or IOL.
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