Council Speaker Felicity Purchase told councillors Thursday’s meeting was moved online after they were informed of alleged “planned disruptions”. Picture: David Ritchie/African News Agency/ANA
COUNCIL Speaker Felicity Purchase has been accused of using her powers to shield fellow DA councillors JP Smith and Xanthea Limberg following the decision to move the first City council meeting of the year to a virtual meeting.
In an email seen by the Cape Times, Purchase told councillors Thursday’s meeting was moved online after they were informed of alleged “planned disruptions”.
“The Office of the Speaker has been advised of planned disruptions to Council proceedings, and, given that Thursday’s meeting will - amongst other matters, table the Adjustment Budget report as well as other important reports relating to service delivery - the decision has been made to hold Thursday’s meeting virtually.
“Staff complements from various departments will assist with the logistical and technical arrangements regarding this change and will ensure that the online platform will be fully functional for an effective, efficient and well-run Council Meeting,” the email read.
Purchase did not respond to further questions by deadline.
Her decision comes as mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis faces mounting pressure to suspend Smith and Limberg amid ongoing police investigations.
Smith and Limberg were thrust into the spotlight on Friday when the Commercial Crimes unit of the provincial police swooped into their offices at the Civic Centre as part of a forensic investigation stemming from a tender fraud case before the courts.
By moving the council meeting to online, opposition parties described the decision as an attempt to protect Smith and Limberg.
“This change, transparently aimed at protecting the corrupt MMC JP Smith, cannot be justified. The Speaker, Felicity Purchase, claims that the reason for this shift is to prevent ‘planned disruptions’. This is a blatant lie, a political manoeuvre designed to shield JP Smith from accountability over the serious fraud allegations he faces,” the EFF in the Cape Metro Region said.
“The decision to conduct the meeting virtually is an abuse of power, granting the Speaker undue control over the proceedings. It will give her the ability to silence opposition and prevent meaningful participation by easily removing people from the virtual platform or ignoring those raising concerns. This move is nothing short of an attempt to stifle democratic engagement.”
The EFF called for the immediate removal of Smith from his position.
GOOD party secretary-general, Brett Herron said the Speaker was responsible to the people of Cape Town but chose to prioritise the will of her political party the DA.
“The GOOD Party maintains that Smith and Limberg should step down while the investigation unfolds. Their continued presence could impede the investigation or at least give the perception of being in a position to impede.”
National Coloured Congress (NCC) leader Fadiel Adams said virtual or Skype meetings don't work because at times councillors cannot hear or cannot be heard because of unstable networks out of the CBD.
“This means that they cannot relay the message from their constituencies to council. This has a knock-on effect on service delivery. It is clear that in order to protect one white man with a cloud around him, the DA is prepared to make the entire poor community suffer. This is nothing but a ploy by the DA to prevent JP Smith from being held accountable."
In Swellendam, the DA suffered a blow when the Freedom Front + in the Western Cape joined forces with the ANC in successfully removing DA Swellendam Mayor Francois Du Rand during a council meeting on Monday.
The move described as shocking by the DA follows a similar decision that saw its mayors being ousted in Cape Agulhas, in Outshoorn and in Theewateskloof - all with the support of the FF+, before a court overturned the Theewateskloof decision following a legal battle.
The DA says these incidents show that the FF+ cannot be trusted as a partner.
The DA also accused the ANC of “churning baseless” allegations of R40 million in tender fraud within the Swellendam Municipality.
“It was nothing more than a scheme to remove the DA Mayor.”
GOOD Party Overberg District Councillor Bongani Sonqwenqwe said: “The municipality in Swellendam has long been plagued by political battles since the DA/FF Plus coalition soured.”
Cape Times