The countdown to Accounting iNdaba 2021 - “Accountancy revolution: Infonomics and Sustainability” - has officially begun.
Hosted by the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) and billed as the “virtual accountancy event of the year”, it takes place on November 2 and 3.
A totally virtual experience covering a range of topics, Accounting iNdaba 2021 will give participants a front row seat to conversations led by some of the best minds in industry. Under discussion during the two-day event will be the important role professional accountants will play as interpreters of corporate data, to provide rich insight for strategic decision-making.
The iNdaba’s extensive topic list and some of the expert industry leaders lined up to speak at the event are all covered in the SAIPA digital magazine. The first in a series of digimags for SAIPA, published in partnership with IOL Business, it is available to view and download for free here.
A must-read for all who operate within the professional accounting space, this first edition also takes a glimpse at:
* The impact technology is likely to have on the accounting profession;
* How professional accountants are set become major players in the quest to create strategic value from corporate data; and
* What role professional bodies like SAIPA play in minimising misconduct and crime.
This free digital magazine also features leading sector players as SYSPRO, Draftworx and PPS Short-Term Insurance, and you can read it now here
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