Dr Pali Lehohla is the former Statistician-General of South Africa and the former head of Statistics South Africa. Photo: Thobile Mathonsi
EARLY this month veteran television and radio presenter, Tim Modise hosted a webinar on Galela, a brainchild of a chemical engineer and tech businessman, Thami Mtshali.
This product registered in the US as a food supplement and cleared by the CSIR as presenting no toxicity was discussed from several angles.
The Galela journey by Mtshali was driven by his and daughter’s acute ulcers that made their lives miserable and as a chemical engineer he started the search for a solution six years ago.
Leornado Malhebre, a respected German professor of neurology whose academic eminence run in American and European universities, says his research on Galela present properties that in the main addresses autoimmunity. It attacks the inside and outside of the cell, he says.
Four areas were addressed. The first was the human experience of Galela oil and its effects presented by myself, the second was the Pharmacology of Galela oil by a Tanzanian pharmacist Fabrice Kabasha, the third was the origins of Galela oil and its manufacturing by Mtshali. A video rendition by the late Malhebre enlightened the audience on the oil. How was I roped in this stuff? In May a strange message from our platform was addressed to me from Mtshali who wanted me to consider modelling Galela Oil efficacy.
I pleaded no infrastructural capacity or interest in clinical trials.
After a long to and fro, I suggested that I conduct a tracer study targeting its users and see what its impact was.
I was so intrigued by the discussions we had with Mtshali and Malhebre on Galela, but I was also worried about reputational risks of entering the medical space I was least equipped to engage especially in retirement.
But the compulsion of Galela oil as a cure for Covid-19 was so attractive that I chose to undertake the study and roped in Dr Arul Naidoo a retired employee from StatsSA. We agreed to undertake the study risks and all but above all we on our own volition did the tracer study pro bono to ensure that we held our professional independence intact.
The study covered 228 users across the three waves of Covid-19, namely the second, third and fourth waves, which still continue. In the first wave all 48 users ingested Galela for treating Covid-19 symptoms. In the second wave 112 users ingested Galela for other health benefits whist 57 did so for Covid-19 and in the more recent wave, all eleven users did so for Covid19. The results in all waves showed that Galela oil impacted on Covid-19 symptoms and provided relief within two or so hours. After four doses of Galela ingestion which is equivalent to two days, showed that up to 70% of those using Galela were either fully recovered or on the way to recovery in the second wave and up to 63% in the third wave.
In the third wave nine out of 11 were recovered by the second day of taking Galela. Kabasha and Malhebre in his recorded video showed that the pharmacological efficacy of Galela and the science behind it is first in its superior retention in the body which is almost five times more than other medical interventions, second its ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier from whence it addresses the auto-immunity properties of disease and third its thermoregulation impact.
Thami presented on how he traversed the journey and how he and the daughter overcame the ulcers through research in extraction of seed and plant oils. The benefits were immediate, particularly in health and removing expenses on medical aid.
He roped in Melhebre to explain what the oil extractions were, from a medical point of view. The convergence of scientific observation across the four areas of work cannot be an act of coincidence but one of direct causation. Two days ago one of my hens presented a severe respiratory condition.
I had seen one suffer before and the veterinarian administered some stuff in its mouth and after a day it was okay. Without the veterinarian at hand I remembered Malhebre’s, Kabasha’s and Mtshali’s remarks about Galela.
I took a syringe and became an instant veterinarian, I picked its almost lifeless body, got a dose of Galela into its mouth and oops in twenty minutes I could not catch this hen, it was feeding and running. Its pattern of relief and recovery mimicked the stories of the people who recovered.
I sent the images to Mtshali and said I am sending Intellectual Property Rights. We were all amazed and laughing at possibilities of avian flu elimination.
The recording of the Webinar is on https://youtu.be/e05pd01C63U.
Dr Pali Lehohla is the former Statistician-General of South Africa and the former head of Statistics South Africa. Meet me @Palilj01 and @ www.pie.org.za.
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