Members of the Green Point Neighbourhood Watch embarked on a crime awareness walk last Thursday, February 21.
The aim of the walk was for the residents to notice them and understand the need to be the eyes and the ears of the police to help fight crime in Green Point.
The chairman of the Green Point Neighbourhood Watch, Charles Scheltema, said Green Point was the entry point onto the Atlantic Seaboard and everyone needed to do a little bit to assist the police and cooperate with the few locals who are already doing this.
He said the most important thing is to get to know each other as neighbours and form links, such as through WhatsApp, groups where you can let people know that you’re going to be away and would need their help in keeping a watchful eye on your home.
“I’ve been living in the area for more than 40 years and I’ve certainly seen it improve and I’ve also seen at times when it has gone down.”
Mr Scheltema said the main crimes that the community faced was theft out of motor vehicles, break-ins and muggings.
“People still continue to leave their valuables in their cars and that’s one thing we always try to make people be aware of,” he said.
Mr Scheltema said Green Point had more than 4 000 residents and they hope more people will get involved with the neighbourhood watch.
Sharinghissentiment, vice-chairman, Dijon Anthony, said they have about 220 members but not a lot of people actually put in the work.
“It’s a voluntary group but we need people to do one hour a week, help us with communication, websites and just raise awareness.”
Mr Anthony said the problem with the area was that it’s not a close-knit community.
“People feel like they can just pay security companies and sit back and that works to some degree but it doesn’t buy you the spirit of community,” he said.
The neighbourhood watch said the walk was a success as they performed three successful stop-and- search operations, finding illegal contraband and pipes, as well as eight litres of illegal alcohol, all of which was confiscated by SAPS.
One person was taken into custody for possession of tik.
“We call on the community to please join us on these walks, one hour of your day outside normal business trading times, once a month is really not a lot to ask. Look out for dates in March and April,” said Mr Scheltema.